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Author Topic: Radsters and their history  (Read 4879 times)

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Re: Radsters and their history
« Reply #50 on: September 28, 2007, 10:52 PM »
OK, think I can kill a few birds with one thread here! When I was 12, I went up the inside of a bus on my Team Murray 340 which proceeded to turn left and run over my rear lester mag and my foot breaking both.

Now I can roll your curiosity of car 'sex on wheels' alford into best memories.  this pic was an epic roadtrip to The World Champs in Holland in 92/93.  Pictured is L-R Steve Bell (apparently now the team mechanic for the Athertons for all you MTB'ers), Carl himself looking moody, Steve Barden (legendary BMX photographer), Rob Stobart (6th at Worlds Slough), Keith 'Jim Dirt' Duly, me, Johnny Beckett (Descent World main man) and Ross Hill (he was 16 here and this picture was taken in Amsterdam, he'd already had beers and spliffs in a sexclub!). Tom Lynch was cameraman and this roadtrip was just everything, street riding in Paris, different tracks and jump spots, sex clubs, what else could you need?

More about Carl, he lived with mad Dog in Huntingdon Beach early nineties and was factory JMC mid eighties.  CARL IS THE ONE WITH THE GARAGE FULL OF JMC'S!!!!

As for gay BMX'ers, I just heard that the guy in third in this shot (John Vile leading, me in second) lives with a fella.............


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Re: Radsters and their history
« Reply #51 on: September 28, 2007, 11:49 PM »
started out way back when on a puch murray that my old man bought for me for christmas,
i can still remember that moment now,

i stuck at it so he got me this goose that i loved for years,

(one of a very few riding pics i have of myself, i'm always the one taking the pics! :-[ )

best moment?
tough as theres loads!
riding through sheff at the "battle royal jam"with like 300 other riders, stopping traffic all day! amazing experience!
at one point i stopped and looked back and the road behind me was packed full of bmxers, incredible atmosphere,

last one was getting my custom s&m frame in the post, sounds daft but i was so excited nearly shit a brick,

injuries, fook.......

broke both wrists
broke both ankles, compound fracture in right,
broke three fingers in my left hand,
fractured skull,
many concussions as i'm a tit and dont wear a helmet,
broken nose,
6 stitches in my chin from landing on it
3 broken ribs all at once from devs alloy rail
three broken bones in my right foot
4 stitches in my right knee
many many smaller injuries and cuts over the years,

worst was my left knee, tore the whole patella off and damaged acl, 11 hours of surgery and nearly a year of my bike, it really put the zap on my confidence on my bike after that,
reading hoffmans book put it into perspective for me,

best, we used to make "quarter pipes" on the back garden, there was always bits of wood laying around with nails and shit sticking out of them ,i fell on one and kind of head butted it full on, the nail and the wood it was attached to was fixed firmly to my forehead,  one of my mates had to pull the fooker off!

the biggest thing for me though is that these little bikes have saved my sanity over the years,
anyone who's been through the mill in this life will tell you, sometimes its like torture when you cant switch your brain off, when you cant stop thinking and the abyss seems to drag you into madness,
its in these times i've ridden most and my bike has been a saviour of distraction,
sounds even more stupid but even the bikes themselves, sometimes on lifes emotional rollercoaster just knowing and having the security of one piece of metal fits with another piece is a calm solace,

lastly i've gained some of the best friends i've ever had through bmx,kindred spirits even,
away from the pressures of work/age/peers etc too!

this forum too, and all its members,

laugh all you want , i'll laugh with you because,
i cannot actually expain why,

but i love these little bikes.

« Last Edit: September 28, 2007, 11:51 PM by darkersomeday »

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Re: Radsters and their history
« Reply #52 on: September 29, 2007, 12:20 AM »
I recon you could write something for Ride Joe  :daumenhoch:
I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,
 Straining upon the start. The game's afoot:
 Follow your spirit, and upon this charge
 Cry 'God for Harry, England, and Saint George!'


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Re: Radsters and their history
« Reply #53 on: September 29, 2007, 12:38 AM »
so mr kick303, are you anyone we know?

wouldn't have thought so Trev...I'm a stevenage boy so was educated at Bowes Lyon park and the mighty Knebworth.

Used to ride with some world champs in and around herts and london mainly with a few excursions here and there...Nick Lacey (MCS rider) , Ollie Mathews, original old skooler Mason Smith, Richard toyota jeep Brown (did hear a rumour Rich has passed on but hope its just that..a rumour),  Dave (Chilli) from Kettering (rampchild these days) when he came down to play...and countless others. Seeing Phil Dolan ride in the flesh gave me goosebumps and he had a guy in tow who always had the best looking bike...cant remember your name but last time i saw you (94/95) you were riding a tricked out trickstar..

Best moment at bowes was a casual ramp jam in 91 just after the KOV at Shepton mallet where Gerry Galley was just letting off..I remember him hitting a tree at one point OUCH...we asked if he was ok and he just said it would hurt tomorrow and preceded to hurt himself some more....dedication? madness? compulsion? whatever it is i give respect in return to anyone who is prepared to sacrifice a little pain for a lot of pleasure..

Cheers for the site guys & darkersomeday ...I totally agree.....i love these little bikes.


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Re: Radsters and their history
« Reply #54 on: September 29, 2007, 12:39 AM »
do you know any gay bmxers

flaz is always happy.... but i don't think that's what you quite mean....

OI ! trev im not allways  happy    any more comments like that and i'll report you to the moderators


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Re: Radsters and their history
« Reply #55 on: September 29, 2007, 12:52 AM »
do you know any gay bmxers

flaz is always happy.... but i don't think that's what you quite mean....

OI ! trev im not allways  happy    any more comments like that and i'll report you to the moderators

you're always happy when i've seen you....

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Re: Radsters and their history
« Reply #56 on: September 29, 2007, 01:40 AM »
do you know any gay bmxers

flaz is always happy.... but i don't think that's what you quite mean....

OI ! trev im not allways  happy    any more comments like that and i'll report you to the moderators

you're always happy when i've seen you....

He looked a right miserable git at the Rom Jam though   :LolLolLolLol:

Better to crash and burn than fade away


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Re: Radsters and their history
« Reply #57 on: November 14, 2007, 12:55 PM »
ill explain joe, for me , these bikes take me back to a fun time, with no stress, just fun every day  :4_17_5: these little bikes, are the best, every time i ride one , i feel 12 again,  :daumenhoch:

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Re: Radsters and their history
« Reply #58 on: November 14, 2007, 02:04 PM »
, webdawg was trying to make me come for a bit, the focus was on   gay bmxers,

 get a room :2funny: :2funny:

not really had many bmx crashes{touch wood} a couple on  mtbs the one that allways sticks in my mind was dale goodwin jumping a car on a local tv news show and landing gob first into his bars,then the interveiwer asked him what hapened and he mumbled something through a god full of blood :2funny: it still makes me laugh now as i'm typing.

the best memories are just riding around wakey town centre seeing someone on a bmx going over chatting, swapping stories ,admiring the bikes. getting home from school straight out on the bike upto the local pit stacks building jumps out of anything you could rustle up,there was a massive drop at the local pit which was christened big berther{nosnod will remember this} riding up and down that jumping out of the top doing tables,awesome times.


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Re: Radsters and their history
« Reply #59 on: November 14, 2007, 02:21 PM »

As for gay BMX'ers, I just heard that the guy in third in this shot (John Vile leading, me in second) lives with a fella.............

ahhh thats why the cop from YMCA is watchin from the sidelines :LolLolLolLol:

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Re: Radsters and their history
« Reply #60 on: November 14, 2007, 02:47 PM »
gossa,rob stobart his he related to eddie stobart the haulier?i'm asking 'cos we get loads of his wagons in at work and one wagons registration that came last week was px56 BMX.



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Re: Radsters and their history
« Reply #61 on: November 14, 2007, 02:49 PM »
I wasn't much of a rider BITD, somethings never change, so not many big crash stories to relate, but some good stories I think none the less:

Small table top jump with tyres piled up to jump over Wayne Brooks lands flat on his MKII Super Tuff snapped
the chain stays away from  the bottom bracket, think he hurt is nuts too.

Same jump, there seems to be some confusion who it was, I think it was James Greetan, my mate Wayne says
it wasn't, it was someone else, the memory is cloudy, but the clear bit:
Compund fracture of leg, bone sticking out of trousers. Seemed to take ages (remember when we didn't have cell phones) for someone to ride to his house (on a bmx, not fast) and get his folks, then they drove down to see him, then one of them drove off to phone an ambulance, which took ages to arrive, have to come about 8 miles. poor chap, squealed like a pig.

BMX gang, me and three mates, up to Walton woods to find the roman baths, they are underneat a much later round building. Anyway, dumped bikes in a pile,. wandered off looking. after about an hour found the baths just up from where we left the bikes. Got bored returned to bikes to find them gone. But not far, followed the tyre
tracks in hthe mud, they'd been moved a hundred yards up the track. Recover bikes, see dogs, here chap shout
oy this is private property, pedal like mad, here the shotgun, he wasn't shooting at his he fired in the air, but it
made one of my mates lose control and crash, I turned to see him fall over just after the shot, and you can imagine
what I thought. anyway he got up, we got away clean...well, we needed clean pants.

my best ever jump, 4 barrels lay on their side on a mki burner. five barrells saw me eat dirt big time.

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