I made some up on my computer ....
basically I took some printable white vinyl and just printed onto this and then gave them a quick laqar spray.
Basically I thought they came out quite well.
Since they are on a white vinyl you need to cut arround the contours of the decal and they look ok (since they originally had a white edging).
Anyway here is the thing ... I have a few left over which I cant use and thought I would see if anyone wanted them?
What I would like to do is post them all to one person (approx 20 decals) let that person take what they want and then pass them on.
This way I dont have to spend tons on postage from Sweden to the UK (via lots of seperate addresses).
So If anyone wants any and doesnt mind this "take a couple and pass em on" idea then just raise your hand.
I have pictures, but no upload account..... ao if anyone wants the pictures they will need to leave their email address also.