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Offline generallee

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## Team Sano info! ##
« on: September 14, 2007, 10:29 PM »
I guess Grant BSD and Teamsano on here can help with this, but I just wanted to relay a little story from my mid school history -
in 1992/93 I went to the KOC in southsea with  few riders from Devon,and we met up with, hung out with and got outrageously drunk with some guys form Glasgow who were 'team sano' blokes - but it wasnt gogo or scott timmins etc..
We stayed on the local southsea campsite, and gatecrashed a huge party in some girls' caravan which resulted in most of us getting lucky - I remember waking up on the beach and all of us realising at that moment we'd had a crazy night.
We then hung out and rode together all weekend, and managed to also get into some terrifying pool playing showdown with a bloke straight of of prison at the Jolly Sailor pub opposite the park.
as for the sano blokes we met, there was Gib the long haired Axl Rose lookalike on a haro sport, Rab the roofing or electrical engineer and stuart the tall shy bloke, all riders and all cool as hell. We had a hilarious weekend, remember meeting the other team sano more 'well known' members at the carling beer/music festival next door to the park, and it culminatd in us being named 'Clan Haggered' as a sideshoot to the scottish lot, as we were from the area of Devon where the famous scot loved tipple Buckfast Tonic Wine was made.
It was an amazing time - just wanted to know if anyone on here remembers those guys, or that era of KOC, or any crazy Team Sano stories. They were amazing. I think that year one of them layed themselves over the barb wire surrounding the park so they could all climb over - they saw it in a prisoner of war movie or something. Priceless.
It was also the year I got Tim Ruck so drunk he couldnt write his write up for Ride. He was too busy puking up green fluid in the top tier of one of the stands. Happy days.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2007, 10:44 PM by generallee »


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Re: ## Team Sano info! ##
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2007, 02:34 PM »
haha, nice one steve!

yeah gib did look like axl rose, and he won 'prince of concrete' one year (cant mind which), but rab mustve been pulling your leg, he was a student who worked in macdonalds!! lolZZZZ


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Re: ## Team Sano info! ##
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2007, 08:27 PM »
Mmmmm.... Ross Sewage would've been present that year also eh?


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Re: ## Team Sano info! ##
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2012, 04:55 PM »
we was the enemy Team Total.......Southsea...!!!! hahah team total and team sano used to send messages to each other in the back of ride for a wind up and just mess about at comps and stuff...amazing weekends them guys were nuts i remember one year they all turned up at Koc and rode in suits....hahah, good times........

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