Been going to this really crap local car boot sale in with the slim hope that I might find something to settle at least one of my vices; Guitars, Keyboards, RC Models & BMX
Its not the kinda place you expect to find anything good (grotty), but I missed out on a really good Burner a few months ago so have been keeping my eyes peeled as I really wanted an old schooler to ride.
Id kinda given up on it but this weekend I saw a chrome bmx, which WASNT from toys r us!
Intrigued I had a good hard look, expecting it to be something rubbish like a 90's universal.
It was all plain , de-stickered & seized up with rust.
I kept staring at it and noticed a the oval tubing, donut seatclamp, tkagi crankset, dia compe brakes and "made in Japan"
I was like 'f*ck yeah!" I finally found an ok bike to cruise on.
Icing on the cake, Looked at the wheels: Suzue Hubs, ARAYA RIMS!!!
I wouldve ignored a bike like this not too long ago, but have really got into it this summer - been playing with all sorts of bikes, even built a fixed gear street bike.
As Im not old enough to remember the 80's, So I dont know what it is, Anyone wanna help me figure it out ?
It dont look that special and is a bit plain I know, but im guessing it were a fairly common but decent bike;

It Doesnt have any markings/stamps/labels anywhere on the bike except on the seat tube where it says "made in japan" .