Was here last nite for a half hour session which turned into nearly two hours

thanks wee john, chic the owner told me the foam cost 9k for this pit due to regulations in the use of specialised foam apparently

Couple of guys from warrington came up just to use the pit nice fellos i said i,d put their pics up and encouraged them to use the site along with others , shamless ad man me

if you think there to many pics sorry

Excuse the faces pulled as the run off for the pit is laery as your back wheel almost doest touch on the way down due to the sheer drop hence the faces


My bro stevie

A nice little one legger from ralph my cuz

Brian doing a 360 .66

Wee john the skatepark stuard

Stevie 360

Me flat top 360

Stevie superman and trying to get back on

Me trying a front flipĀ

landing on my face

Stevie look back i think


Warrington fello doing a tailwhip

Local guy cant remeber his name

Warrington lad again

backflip no hander curtisey of one of the warrington lads

Stevie getting flat

Im on the cam now backflip

he lands this

Turndown backflip onto check other pic