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Author Topic: tricknuts gets air...finally. Orville and I now have nothing in common!  (Read 3245 times)

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Offline tricknuts

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nice one fella :daumenhoch:
im made a promise to myself to get air before im 40,ive got the bike and the places to do it
just havent got the balls to go that high
oh and ive got 5 1/2 month left  :-\
heres my attempt on my cruiser

spesh. I love the vid. Hope it didn't hurt. best of luck with the air....
"I've never stopped riding badly....and I never will"

Sean 2000

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Well done Ross. Feels good dont it?  ;)

Supafly Paul has told me to watch the front wheel when airing on midi's, and it works a can actually land your font wheel exactly where you want it!

Keep it up mate, wont be long before you are gettin 3ft out with styles

Sean.  :daumenhoch:

Offline tricknuts

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Well done Ross. Feels good dont it?  ;)

Supafly Paul has told me to watch the front wheel when airing on midi's, and it works a can actually land your font wheel exactly where you want it!

Keep it up mate, wont be long before you are gettin 3ft out with styles

Sean.  :daumenhoch:

yeah it was great. It felt like I was getting 10ft out. I'll try that trick with watching the front wheel.

Thanks everyone for all the nice words.   :)
"I've never stopped riding badly....and I never will"


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nice air

all it needs is a little time and you will be stoked everytime you ride.



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cool - keep pushing and setting your own goals - dont let the young uns put you off...


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That's so cool.....

must say getting out the top of a ramp is one big goal since starting again..... still some way to go..... but great to see other people ticking it off!

the thing is, I have another bigger goal, something I could never do back when because of a mental block and thats getting both wheels out before starting to flip round..... I'd always start the kick around while my back wheel was on the ramp.... that way you're kinda doing a 180 bunny hop at the top of the ramp, and can only ever get so far out of it.....but it just felt so much safer than launching both wheels into mid air and hoping they would come back down on the ramp..... anyone else have a similar block? anyone actually get over it? and how?????



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i'm so,so ,so,so jealous. thats absolutely, splendidly, supremely, superbly awesome as can be. you should be so pleased with yourself. you've acheived my lifelong goal there. i'm still to scared to even have a bash on the local mini ramps, mainly because of what the youths will think of this sad old git padded up to the hilt with a full face who can't even bunnyhop.
think you may have inspired me enough to have a visit to the local ramps tomorrow.

YOU IS MY HERO!!!!!!!!!!

Offline tricknuts

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That's so cool.....

must say getting out the top of a ramp is one big goal since starting again..... still some way to go..... but great to see other people ticking it off!

the thing is, I have another bigger goal, something I could never do back when because of a mental block and thats getting both wheels out before starting to flip round..... I'd always start the kick around while my back wheel was on the ramp.... that way you're kinda doing a 180 bunny hop at the top of the ramp, and can only ever get so far out of it.....but it just felt so much safer than launching both wheels into mid air and hoping they would come back down on the ramp..... anyone else have a similar block? anyone actually get over it? and how?????


Mike. I had exactly the same mental block. it just seemed so alien to let the wheels fly over the coping. I was always doing a 180 on the tranny. A young rider told me that I was bunnyhopping just as i got to the top, and i needed to let the front wheel roll over the top . I still need to remind myself to do this each time. This must be natural for the ramp riders, but not for those that cant get out. I wrote many a thread on here asking how to get air. The great Billt Stupple and andy Shohara replied saying that I needed to carve move rather than a 180 bunnyhop.

Workshyfop. I also get very embarrassed at all my gear. the kids wear nothing but a baseball cap, and I'm padded up like bestwick. At first they think " oh he must be a real ramp rider" then must snigger behing my back when they see I'm shite.  I also used to drive 16-20 miles to the skatepark, see if there was no-one there, and then go. If it was busy, i'd put the bike back in the car. You have to get past that.  having some other riders definitely helps..  success :daumenhoch:

"I've never stopped riding badly....and I never will"


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ross, i'm glad you've past that mental block (or at least partially past it).  i still keep turning too early.  in my head, i know exactly what to do i think.  i assume you've got to just ride out the top...  i suppose it you pelt it towards a ramp without evening thinking of turning and just ride out the top going straight, you've got to pass the coping.  then think about turning.  see, in my mind i have an idea of what to do.  i know everyone tells me i need to carve more to air, but that's just new school technique.  I'm sure it probably is easier when you carve, but carlo never carved in 88 when he hit 13 foot.  in my mind i can do it, but the body overrides it everytime.  i've been trying for so long now, i don't think i'll ever be able to do it. i've even had carlo trying to teach me. i think if he can't get me to air, then no one will.  the only problem is that he's been airing for about 25 years now, so it is second nature to him.  he probably can't even remember not being able to air, so it must be hard to explain it.  i think if i don't manage it soon, then i'll have to reassess my riding plans and maybe just go back to flatland. otherwise it will just frustrate me and i won't enjoy riding anymore. we'll see how i do in the next few months. in august, i will have been back for a year. that's too long to have not learnt how to air properly.

Offline tricknuts

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Trev. you won't believe how familiar that sounds.  ive been plodding away at this for over 2 years, and its the only thing I practice. i go over it all week in my head, and then when i get to the park, my body takes over my mind and I Fcuk it up.  your story is exactly the same as mine.  Don't dare give up and do flatland.  I think my history of doing 180 bunnyhops was- as you say- from the 80's when we all had 5ft wide ramps- we had to go straight up and back down again, without carving. For a long time, whenever i had the guts to let my front wheel go over the coping, i would always hang up- the back wheel. at leastf that gave my the confirmation that was actually out enough to hang up. Yeah getting carlo to try and remember when he was learning to air might be a bit tricky. he's been blasting part 10 ft since he was about 12.  :)

Don't give up Trev. Obviously I'm not qualified to give advice, but personally I wouldn't just blast out the top, but go gently. try and override the urge to turn as soon a the front wheel is near the top of the ramp as I always did.  Hang on that little bit longer, and let the front wheel ride/roll out of the top- try pretending the coping is say 8"  higher than it is and aim to turn there.   
"I've never stopped riding badly....and I never will"

Offline tricknuts

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was on photobucket, and found this one again. just a reminder that carlo never had much of a mental block turning too early.   ;D  this photo still makes me shudder. He was 15 or 16 at the time.. good grief :'(

"I've never stopped riding badly....and I never will"


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that is such a great pic.... i think he had just turned 16 a month before that.

can you imagine ANYONE in the world airing that high now on a ramp like that on a street beat....


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was on photobucket, and found this one again. just a reminder that carlo never had much of a mental block turning too early.   ;D  this photo still makes me shudder. He was 15 or 16 at the time.. good grief :'(

remember those airs, and if I remember right that was the worlds that Matt H came over for. Carlo and him had a bit of a play in practice, both going silly, but Carlo hit two or three real biggies - noticeably higher than anything else, one of them in the photo I think. The best one was about the same height but flat, just layed there for ages in the air. Probably the most perfect air I have ever seen (well until the Lord Bestwick decided to play anyway) Reckon I must have been sat next to whoever took that photo too..........


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the pic above was from 1988.  the worlds that hoffman came over for was in 1987.
the following year hoffman didn't come over.  this might sound a bit stupid given the talent of hoffman and how well he done the year before. but he was actually worried about riding those ramps against carlo.  carlo had taken it to a new level on those dodgy quarter-pipes. hoffman had got used to riding bigger halfpipes in the states. and whilst hoffman was easily a better rider, i don't think he fancied competing against carlo on the tiny ramps he'd ridden all year.  hoffman was going so big, that it might have been dangerous for him to do his top tricks on them and competing against carlo, he couldn't afford to hold back.

Offline dirtyvans

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well done guys, great feeling doing an air  :daumenhoch:


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Tizer Worlds was 1987.....15-22 August.........

RADBMX.CO.UK  |  Old School BMX 1980 - 1988  |  Old School Freestyle (frame stands and kickturns galore!)  |  tricknuts gets air...finally. Orville and I now have nothing in common!

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