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Author Topic: ET paint job or just a clean white Kuwahara?FINISHED PERHAPS......  (Read 936 times)

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mark 2

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Hiya chaps and the bmx ladies, got the white frame back from the powdercoaters and for ages I thought an ET and a yellow Performer left to do and I'd wrap up my collecting. Having the frame already done as the white base I can't decide whether to get the burgundy work done or do a nice clean white Kuwahara which the idea of has been floating my boat of late. Got the right decals and a choice of silver, black and gold components to do either but I can't help but think ET's have been done to death and nice early clean ones are a bit more interesting now.  I'm normally so focussed on what I want out of a build and never need any opinions but for the first time I could do with your 2 penneth..... :daumenhoch:

I could try the white first for a bit , It'd only be a £12 decal set to find out, can always add the burgundy fade later if I don't get wood....

« Last Edit: July 29, 2007, 12:32 AM by mark j. »


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Mark do your own take on a E.T, we dont have to go with the norm. Imagine all the interesting bikes to view if we all done our own takes.
They are enough repro's out there to remember what originals looked like. A yellow and white E.T would look  :smitten:  :smitten: i think.
Think thats were my builds are going from now on  :crazy2:

I know some ppl will probably think its a sh*t idea but to me all old school bikes are art so why not have a blank canvas.

Paul :Great_Britain:
« Last Edit: July 28, 2007, 10:30 AM by DIRTBIKER250F »


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Do a white one

Offline danny silverstreak

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Do a green and white ET Mark


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Do a green and white ET Mark



mark 2

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Thanks for the opinions so far guys, as much as I like seeing custom versions I've gone so anally era correct with parts and colours etc I don't think I could mess with nature and do a custom ET. I'll try and find time to knock together the white one today and see what happens. Does the world really need another burgundy ET......I've been looking at Jamie's Kuwahara site and get quite into the early KZ1 - 2 ads, 82 kinda look to a bike. Lets see what happens...... :daumenhoch:

Offline oberonspacefruit

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I want to touch ORB

mark 2

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Yeah, I'm happy with that......had a few other choices, a gold fluted and black or yellow elina lightning bolt but would have had to sacrifice the seats from other bikes and knob about elsewhere and had a gold seatclamp but the powder was a bit thick so had to go with the chrome hinged mx to save fookin the paint. Yellow UL with the chrome post looked the most balanced colour choice in the end.....The end! Thanks for the input.

Offline Dingobmxer

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you deffo made the right choice by keeping it white, that is gorgeous  :smitten:
 :) DINGO :)


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mmmm that looks very nice like the simple white looks real good  :4_17_5:


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Who was it who done the kuwi in the ET theme but a Black n white paint job ?  that looked awesome ..

Top build Mark looks clean n smart all in white  :daumenhoch:

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