hi as you all know i have a mid school bmx, heres bit of history guys and gals, my friend way back in 1997 found this in the dump he pulled it out cleaned it up some new parts and accesories for it, and i really wanted to buy it of him i offered him 60 pounds for it in 1997 ! which was a lot! he rejected.

then in june this year a tap at the door, hi do you want this for free??i couldnt reject a free bike!i took it, i am having it powdercoated and done to perfection!!dont know the colour yet you guys can help me on that one!the mags cleaned up well for a fiver!!!heres a before pic(sorry it is fuzzy!)

in restoration:

really sorry pics are funny new camers on its way and what do you think?it has rare 3 spoke gt mags and couple things in the garage.give me ideas
