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Author Topic: robbed by northern american, paypal the accomplice! Did U c something?  (Read 4163 times)

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I sold some Blue  z wheels to a guy in Canada. He had his credit card company issue a chargeback so I lost the money he paid for them. He taunted me and  said I was welcome to be public about his deviousness and being a downright robber. His words were I had more to lose than him being a single individual that no one knows. We don't speak in public about much these days so I left it with good ol dependable paypal to resolve for me.

Been told today that those very wheels were actually sold on ebay in mid may this year ..I wasn't aware of that.

What I am asking is does any one out there have this saved still in their ebay items watched page? I would appreciate tremendously any assistance any one can give me. showing this to paypal 'should' help me win my case against the robbing bastard..

or if any one remembers the ebay sellers name or winning buyers ebay name, I may be able to trace it ( possibly ) from that .

Sincere Thanks in advance


I'll take this opportunity to thank all our great customers....


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oh well dude! you win some you lose some!

i'm sure you can cover it with the prices you charge for stuff anyway :daumenhoch:

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yawn yawn.....

Offline Dingobmxer

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Mr Ying please meet Mr Yang

 :) DINGO :)


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i think those replies are a bit harsh.

no matter who you are or what you do, no-one should get ripped.
i have bought a few items from this fella and even though thay were a bit dearer than the norm, piece of mind in knowing i would receive them was there. if his prices are heavy then YOU choose to buy or not. but then, he's cheaper than Alan's, go figure  :idiot2:

mark 2

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oh well dude! you win some you lose some!

i'm sure you can cover it with the prices you charge for stuff anyway :daumenhoch:

Biagio came on here and politely and graciously asked for some help like we all do on here from time to time. Those sort of comments were a bit uncalled for and always the beginings of a bad thread....

Offline Dark Diggler

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Right thats it, I am deleting my account now. I want to be the first  :4_17_5:
Whats the matter Kid, don't ya like clowns? Don't we make you laugh? Aint we fukkin funny?

Offline Dingobmxer

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Mr Ying please meet Mr Yang

 :) DINGO :)

do you want me to elaborate??? I have no qualms justifying my comment and B knows my quote off by heart
 :) DINGO :)
« Last Edit: June 29, 2007, 10:40 PM by Dingobmxer »


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Offline Dingobmxer

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Many moons ago Biagio told me (and I quote) " I am gonna buy up all the stuff I can and hold UK Old school to ransom" said to me in a Macdonlds carpark in West Bridgeford , Nottingham at around the turn of the Millenium
Now tell me I am "harsh"

My YING and Yang comment still stands

 :) DINGO :)

Offline jimmyp

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I don't think it would still be there after 3 months mate. Ebay remove items after 2months i think although i may be wrong :-\


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about 6 years ago i sold a haro master to this cat, it was through an ad in ride, the dude convinces me to drive all the way down to northampton to meet him with it,
he swears blind he wont waste my time, i bribed my gf at the time to drive me down by promising to split the £150 with her,
we gets there and sure enough this kipper starts to barter!  the cheeky fooker!

i wont put what i said to him on here but needless to say he coughed up the dollars and took off like a rocket!

so mr blaggo,

heres the worlds smallest violin playing just for you :daumenhoch:

« Last Edit: June 29, 2007, 11:31 PM by darkersomeday »

Offline CD17

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I sold some Blue  z wheels to a guy in Canada. He had his credit card company issue a chargeback so I lost the money he paid for them. He taunted me and  said I was welcome to be public about his deviousness and being a downright robber. His words were I had more to lose than him being a single individual that no one knows. We don't speak in public about much these days so I left it with good ol dependable paypal to resolve for me.

Been told today that those very wheels were actually sold on ebay in mid may this year ..I wasn't aware of that.

What I am asking is does any one out there have this saved still in their ebay items watched page? I would appreciate tremendously any assistance any one can give me. showing this to paypal 'should' help me win my case against the robbing bastard..

or if any one remembers the ebay sellers name or winning buyers ebay name, I may be able to trace it ( possibly ) from that .

Sincere Thanks in advance


I'll take this opportunity to thank all our great customers....

So what reason did he give to his credit card company why he should get his money back  :-\

Offline Dark Diggler

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Right thats it, I am deleting my account now. I want to be the first  :4_17_5:

Right, I've made my point, I'm back.

So, what have I missed  :LolLolLolLol:
Whats the matter Kid, don't ya like clowns? Don't we make you laugh? Aint we fukkin funny?


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Many moons ago Biagio told me (and I quote) " I am gonna buy up all the stuff I can and hold UK Old school to ransom" said to me in a Macdonlds carpark in West Bridgeford , Nottingham at around the turn of the Millenium
Now tell me I am "harsh"

My YING and Yang comment still stands

 :) DINGO :)

fair enough. i didn't realise it was a personal thing between the two of you.

i still stand behind my reply as a customer.


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you missed nowt :LolLolLolLol:


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i've got a couple of genuine questions for the blagster while he's around,

those haro master stickers you were selling recently, were they real? or reproductions?
mind you it doesnt matter because an honest,fair seller like blaggo would have gotten HARO's permission to re- pop them anyway! :daumenhoch:

lastly blags,
how come with all the money you've made out of old school bmxers you've never made a donation to the site? or sponsored a meeting?
i'd have thought it "good advertising" to at least pretend to support the folk that youre ripping off! :daumenhoch:

tell me you didnt just go out an buy a nasty "poor mans" porsche with all the dosh you made!! :LolLolLolLol:

Offline oberonspacefruit

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lets be carefull now chaps and let bygones be bygones.

If you have a problem, try to sort it out by PM.

Biaggio asked for a bit of help, if you can help  and have the inclination to help, please do.

For the record joe, Biaggio has donated stuff to the site, and came with a big box of stuff for prizes at for the show and shine at epic last year.

Not that that makes his prices any cheaper though.... :angel:

having said that he was the only person i could find that still had a red/black haro plate which i needed for my last im glad he charged more, or else theyd have all gone by now.

supply and demand.....look at the prices of TA's as compared to streetbeats......both very similar frames, same maker etc, one you can get for 25 quid, the other 250.....

So, in conclusion.....we can turn this thread into another vertego basher if we like, there will always be people who will like him, as there will be people who wont....the thread has been done about 20 times now......Mind you I'm sure he wont mind as no publicity is bad publicity... ;D
I want to touch ORB


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you gotta feel for B, evey time he comes on here WHACK, sorry to hear about the wheels mate its a shitter for sure when that happens, and guys he runs a BUSINESS the point of that is profit to put food on the table, if you dont like the prices then DONT pay them, you always have a choice!!!!

Offline TwoBobRob

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Hold on.

Reality check please........

Just so as I'm understanding this (I'm a bit thick thar knows.....)

The man said he was going to buy everything up and hold the world to ransom.  OK, so don't buy from him.

The man haggled over a price, but buckled in the end and paid up. So, lesson learned. Never deal with him again.

Thats it isn't it?  I don't mean to sound like a hardass about this, but we all have shitty stories to tell from the BMX 'community'.  Possibly me more than most.  But surely that doesn't mean we should rejoice in this blokes troubles does it?

How about we try and help him with his problem if we can and save the bashing for the thread he writes entitled  'you're all mugs and I take great pleasure in pulling your trousers down with every sale I make'    ;)

For the record,  I think Biaggio has sponsored some stuff, and given generously to the prize funds of a couple of doos.  I think.

Offline billstup

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Great here we go again  :(
I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,
 Straining upon the start. The game's afoot:
 Follow your spirit, and upon this charge
 Cry 'God for Harry, England, and Saint George!'

Offline TwoBobRob

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Sorry Bill   :-[

Offline billstup

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Rob that wasn`t about your reply, it was about the thread as a whole  :police:
I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,
 Straining upon the start. The game's afoot:
 Follow your spirit, and upon this charge
 Cry 'God for Harry, England, and Saint George!'

Offline Stace

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I've bought from B loadsa times, He's not the cheapest but have found his goods and service impeccible !!

You don't like the prices, you don't pay!  That's why I got a vectra and not a ferrari  :)


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i  have to side with biagio i've rang him for advise or to pick his bmx brains while buying nothing, he has never once complained,refused or been anything but friendly and helpful. As for prices if no-one paid his prices he would have to lower them or get stuck with them, the fact is people pay his prices so there must be a demand.

prices are also goverened be the people he buys off surely if you have something to sell he has to pay your price and after post paypal tax(over heads) he has to make a profit.
 as for buying my experience is when you put a price on something everyone(and no-one is excluded from this) will TRY and get it for less even if  in the end they pay full asking price.
so come on guy's life's too short, no-one died


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