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Author Topic: robbed by northern american, paypal the accomplice! Did U c something?  (Read 4147 times)

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iv bought of biagio many many times and his service has always been spot on . i thought this old school game was about the love for building old school bikes . if he didnt put slightly higher prices then everything would have vanished to all the horders attics many many years ago , which in turn would have made the prices rocket to alot higher than they are now . correct or not . hope you get your problem solved mate , i wanted them wheels too.  :daumenhoch:


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known b quite a few years now and he's been ok with me and we've done a few deals along the way for buying up all the oldschool,he took the risk put his money down and took the chance.a shrewd niche business move in my book and its payed off so far.good luck to him and the sour deal...  :daumenhoch: its another wet weekend so this thread could become a long one  ::)


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Have to say B has always been as kool as christmas with me ! I phone him and have never has any probs. If its a lash i tell him and he says dont buy it then.
I find some of the prices on here more off a piss take "£300 for some pads" Hope you get it sorted B if ya reading this ya lashing c**t  :LolLolLolLol:

Paul :Great_Britain:


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known joe for a while now ..had many a good deal off him ....hope you get it sorted m8 fooker likes getting ripped ..scum ....

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there are 2 sides to every story...
I remember it to this day as it provided me with a valuable lesson in b*llsh*t. You said yeah it has a couple chips where stuff has been leant against it in the shed. What this means peeps is every stretch of tube had no fewer than at least 10 chips down to the metal/primer! the f/f had chips where u couldn't even figure how they could get there under normal use. So not quite what u said it was so in paying the agreed price despite condition being way worse than described I think I was more than fair to you as many people from up north would have been more blunt!. Funny how the memory plays tricks with some peeps hard feelings from me

dingo    you continued to speak to me long after that meeting...I prefer the approach dirt biker has..u say what you think, be it diplomatically or bluntly..u say it rather than harbour it

Its apparent you are devoid of any sense of humour too. No hard feelings

and again thanks to all the cool guys out there...

Offline Dingobmxer

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"Its apparent you are devoid of any sense of humour too"

explain that comment please, I await your witty, nay hilariously funny reply  :LolLolLolLol:

 :) DINGO :)
« Last Edit: July 02, 2007, 05:53 AM by Dingobmxer »


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gettin ripped sucks big style  :'( if its to pricey dont buy it !!!!! things are only worth what people will pay

Offline oberonspacefruit

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good use of the word "nay"
I want to touch ORB

Offline Dingobmxer

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good use of the word "nay"

Hooray!!! I guess I have a sense of humour after all  :LolLolLolLol:

wish I had use eu contrare in there too now He he
 :) DINGO :)


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just kick kook out of each other next time you meet  ;)


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so come on guy's life's too short, no-one died



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i know i am new but here goes!! :angrysoapbox:

i  remember the blue z-rims on ebay but i can't remember the seller - he pointed out that thy were not nos and was selling them on!  if these were the ones b is on about then i'm sure from personal dealings with him he would have offered a refund!  every one tries to make a living - if i said to my wife i want to put 1000's of pounds into buying nos stuff i think she would divorce me!!  we all do a little wealing and dealing to offset the price of the bmx's we build and where is the wrong in that.  if you want somthing you shop around!  if it's in short supply you pay a high price!!  the law of nature!  gold, diamonds, cannabis, mx1000000's. etc, etc. :rant:
« Last Edit: July 30, 2007, 10:10 PM by solihullcarl »

Offline jT Racing

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why is it that when people sell stuff on here for the same price as B but including postage, that no one thinks to ask' but you don't pay vat or income tax on that' even though they have had that item for friggin years and paid bog all for it. Measuring with 2 measures me thinks. If you found a VDC gorilla in mint condition with all the trimmigs tomorrow at a car boot, would you sell it on at 35 quid and make a tenner, or would you be rubbing your hands. Bullshitters need not reply.
ding dong


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Once I find a Holeshot RF1 I'm going to swap it for Dordy's house....

Offline Bob_Acid

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oh yoy of yoys


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most of the guys who have a pop at b have bought from him anyway so whats the problem ? if they are unhappy with the situation maybe they should have set up a nos parts business themselves, but as i've said before there are the few that do it and those that talk about it...
« Last Edit: July 31, 2007, 05:47 PM by retrorider.u.k »

Offline brass monkey!

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why is it that when people sell stuff on here for the same price as B but including postage, that no one thinks to ask' but you don't pay vat or income tax on that' even though they have had that item for friggin years and paid bog all for it. Measuring with 2 measures me thinks. If you found a VDC gorilla in mint condition with all the trimmigs tomorrow at a car boot, would you sell it on at 35 quid and make a tenner, or would you be rubbing your hands. Bullshitters need not reply.

so true !!  :)

...i find VDC Gorilla's at carboot sales all the time btw ! LOL !!


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why is it that when people sell stuff on here for the same price as B but including postage, that no one thinks to ask' but you don't pay vat or income tax on that' even though they have had that item for friggin years and paid bog all for it. Measuring with 2 measures me thinks. If you found a VDC gorilla in mint condition with all the trimmigs tomorrow at a car boot, would you sell it on at 35 quid and make a tenner, or would you be rubbing your hands. Bullshitters need not reply.

this very true , i picked up a silverstreak at a booty for £10 , and sold it for £220 , with extras and i spent alot of time cleaning it up , but i was amazed how many people said would i sell it for £10   :uglystupid2:  i was lucky to pick it up so cheap , and i made a profit, and bought another bike i was after, so everyone happy , ive neve dealt with biagio , but heard not so great things about him , but i must admit ,i wish i bought loads of OS bits years ago, i would be worth a mint now,  :-\

Offline stidds

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I've only just read this thread because up until now I couldn't be bothered.

What I cannot understand is that people go on about Biagio's prices but in the next breath advise people to buy from Alans.  Alans are usually more expensive than Vert-ego so what is the deal?

I have bought from B many times and have always been 100% happy with what I paid, if I thought a product was too expensive then I wouldn't buy it.....  Simple as that!

Offline LucyLastic

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I've bought from Biaggio and was very happy  :)


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What Stidds said, Biagio does get some bad press the world over, but all my dealings have been spot on.

I have just bought some s/f suntour sealed hubs in black, I couldn't find these anywhere else and I figured £40 was not too bad, I have paid a lot more for hubs in the past!

People need to appreciate that not everyone will deal with him for their own reasons, just make your own mind up - there are enough happy people out there!

Offline brass monkey!

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i'm with that,......................

I always consider my options before going to one of the OS BMX 'Shops', you pays ya money ya makes ya choice....

All the stuff I have bought from Biagio has been top notch, and always arrived within a day or 2. Also had a lot of free advise from him, so can't knock that. 

Suppose it's easy to knock people for trying to make a buck or 2 out of this hobby, but maybe some of wish we'd had the hindsight to buy a load of stock up 5 or 6 years ago, I wish i had......we've all got to pay our mortgages !

Nowadays I import most of my stuff from the US, dude to the fantastic $/£ rate !


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i got really pissed off with B when i first got back into this about 3 years ago, bidding against me on something i really needed, he won, fair enough, but then he relisted it straight away at a higher price, i would have bought to keep as i really wanted it and that pissed me right off  and i used to be dead for any rockchick knockin threads (had some beauty pm battles with him :LolLolLolLol:) but its all water under the bridge, he had the inclanation, the determination and he put in the effort to place himself in the position he is in now and hats off to him, i would have done the same if i could have been arsed and thought of it earlier but i didnt and he did. i can not see the problem, you want something right now its there but you pay for that, i rarely do nos stuff as i like raggying my bikes so they dont stay nos for long anyway, plus i'll bide my time usually coz i like a bargain, all his bits are available else where and he doesnt force his stash on anyone, i have heard a few stories but how many deals has he done, im sure the ratios will speak for themselves.

the choice is yours

Offline brass monkey!

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that just made me think,..............

when i bought my Hutch Trickstar Frame (1st ever buy on ebay), I outbid a certain 'rockchick' by a quid to win it - last second !  8) :LolLolLolLol:

the novice (back then) beat the Pro !  ;)

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