What I'd really like is a Troy Lee D2 Bomber, but I will check out the competition first
I'd go TLD SE , ask flying fox about D2's 
I smashed a D2 carbon, the full face bit cracked in half and it shattered from where the screw holds the peak on. I'm sure I had concussion after that, but I didnt go to st johns because I knew they wouldnt let me race

.Theres no crash replacment policy from Fisher the importers, you break it racing or riding you have to pay full price for a replacment..

My 6 year old nephew uses a D2 carbon and loves it, but hes only 6. I can't see him producing the forces when he crashes that I do to smash one, but he did rip a ti peak bolt clean out crashing last year.
I use a troy lee mx lid, they rule, you can use your head as a pogo stick and youy cant feel thing. I did crack one of those across the top last year but it didnt hurt my head at all (my ribs and back were another matter).

I am the helmut crash test dummy.