Hello people,
Im not an old schooler at all (22) ,
I rode bmx's till about 2001, when I packed it in in favour of skateboarding.
I joined on here about a year ago me thinks, in search of cheap parts to get my bike back together,
I stuck around a bit for this and that,
- anyway, I think I stuck around a bit too long...
Did a bit TOO much oggling OS bikes....
Look what happened to my bike the other day...........

1999 Ruption chogger, the most un - oldschool clunker of a bike you can get - with v brakes.
I saw a Haro sport on here - and lets say i got 'inspired'
I normally dont have a front brake,obviously no mags and have seat much lower but I dont wanna scuff the teal pwder!
(oh I chanced a ride around the block with black brake blocks and marked up my rims - oh well.)