Right i've been playing with the fron rnd of my DK...basically changed the crap tektro caliper to a DC990 on a plate (forks have no lugs) but not happy with the 'tidyness' of the whole thing.
So i picked up some new Blank forks with AD lugs(very cheap as they were black and a tad scratched....£10) so did my own spray job so they are nice and bright white now!!

My only query is the whole Giro thing???
I've never set one up or taken one apart?? i know how to fit new forks with a 1 1/8th headtube as i've done it loads of times on my MTB.......but this Giro looks to be a right git!!
Will it all fook up when i undo the bits?? is there a correct way to undo it all so it doesn't go "PING!" and end up everywhere??