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Author Topic: what happened to Darkersomeday???  (Read 4214 times)

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Offline Dingobmxer

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what happened to Darkersomeday???
« on: May 17, 2007, 08:48 PM »
He is only in as a guest now  :uglystupid2:
What happened????
 :) DINGO :)

Offline oberonspacefruit

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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2007, 08:49 PM »
its a long story.

which i am slightly saddened by, as i know you got on with him.

read the extremedirect thread.
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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2007, 08:50 PM »
long story  ,but he left.dame flying shame..

Offline Dingobmxer

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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2007, 09:06 PM »
Just read the thread and although I think the personal stuff was bang out of order I think the mods came over VERY VBMX on this one, I already had a thread pulled about the DC/SE Ripper,shoes ect because you didnt want the sponsors of MK upsetting!!
I remember everyone on here kicking off when Hal & Bill stopped everyone selling repop declas on ebay because of their involvement with SE/Mongoose ect...

double standards me thinks???

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« Last Edit: May 17, 2007, 09:10 PM by dingobmxer »

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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2007, 09:10 PM »
Just read the thread, shame it got out of hand he was a good guy and hugely knowledgable about mid school stuff.  Hopefully he'll be back, might be worth him getting some of this though...

Better to crash and burn than fade away

Offline Dingobmxer

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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2007, 09:13 PM »
Just read the thread, shame it got out of hand he was a good guy and hugely knowledgable about mid school stuff.  Hopefully he'll be back, might be worth him getting some of this though...

I think he was ganged up upon somewhat dont you?
Other people get away with behaving in a similer way and get left well alone,
Shame he has gone, does anyone have contact details for him?

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Offline oberonspacefruit

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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2007, 09:13 PM »
maybe your right dingo, but he has got a long history of shouting his mouth off,  which i wont go into now cos ive spent most of the day thinking about it, which has put me in a pretty shitty mood. for the record, he has sent a message apologising for his comments, so its not all big brother.
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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2007, 09:19 PM »
He did it when he first came on, saying about how Stodgy couldnt use non matching parts on his bike but he apologised for that,
I think at least one other member on here behaves in EXACTLY the same way but not one word is ever said
I am not sticking up for Joe as I dont know the guy, just spoke a few times on PM but I feel an injustice has been done
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Offline oberonspacefruit

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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2007, 09:21 PM »
who's the other member?

BTW he deleted himself.

this is the kind of opinion joe has.

the thing that ****s me off most, no, makes me want to puke my ****ing guts up is some 40yr old guy wanking off over his "collection" of old shiny bikes when they should really be out there in the world being enjoyed by some poor kid, being used for what they were made for.
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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2007, 09:26 PM »
You have PM Phil  :daumenhoch:
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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #10 on: May 17, 2007, 10:27 PM »
I like darkersomeday and his "type first, think later" posts. I have to agree with his point on the thread, even tho you will have a hard time talking most BMXers, esp older ones out of their Vans.

I dont think he said anything too bad but there was no need to start the name calling. Even tho he didnt start it, and he shouldnt have been callled a wa**er, he also shouldnt have lowered himself to calling back.
Now, Im off to knock one out over the pics if his yellow challenger ... oh ... he wont like that!  :LolLolLolLol:

Offline dordymush

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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #11 on: May 17, 2007, 11:53 PM »
man i cant believe im reading stuff like this again.
its like the 69'er thing all over again that i ended up leaving being a moderator over.
no member should ever have to feel they have to leave because of a clash of opinions.
not good  :(.
dave the bmxing gypo

Offline RATTY

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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #12 on: May 18, 2007, 12:09 AM »
wow, guys I thought this could have been dealt with a lot better, everyone is entitled to their point of view, especially as most of us probably never knew about Dc and Vans alleged view on BMX, a lot of the snipes were aimed at people on this site like me, who gave up in the 80s etc, who build pretty bikes which probably cost too much money, and do regret giving up riding at the end of the first wave of popularity. He wasnt telling lies though, flange and drink were lame excuses for giving up. Im sure most people gave up because they was embarrassed or had no one left to ride with bitd.
But i digress, lets not let this happen again, if a thread starts to get out of hand, we have enough mods to clamp it down straight away, lets not loose anyone else through petty disagreements and differences of opinion
A long time ago, in a land far away!


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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #13 on: May 18, 2007, 12:12 AM »
I didn't actually call him a w a n k e r.

Instead I pointed out that he may not be aware of it, but he came across as one. Which I think he did and fiar enough, it didn't need pointing out, but he had just called my husband an  :Aresehole: which is not correct.  :)

Although it has been said that he did not start any name calling I disagree and found his comments prior to mine in that thread quite inflammatory. Comments such as:

where the fcuk have you been for the last 5 years?

climb back into your pram and i'll explain mate,

surely you cant be so stupid

if you actually give a shit about bmx

its easy to sit on the fence and dole out cheesey proverbs

simply childish,

where the fcuk did that come from? are we having the same conversation here mate?

but it wasnt me that dumped bmx at 16 for a moped and a slice of flange was it? "yawns"
   (his comment not mine)

Not exactly merely voicing his opinion.

It is a shame he chose to delete his own account especially if some members got on with he guy and agreed with his views but I cannot see any conspiracy or undue pressure was exerted at all. It seems like it was his choice and a shame but I dont think he chose to because of a clash of opinions as he stuck around for some time after the following view about old school collectors.

the thing that ****s me off most, no, makes me want to puke my ****ing guts up is some 40yr old guy wanking off over his "collection" of old shiny bikes when they should really be out there in the world being enjoyed by some poor kid, being used for what they were made for.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2007, 12:17 AM by Miss Boo »


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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #14 on: May 18, 2007, 12:14 AM »
hopefully darkersomeday will read all this and join back up.

I miss him already, thanks to him I will never run a profile chainring with primo cranks.

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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #15 on: May 18, 2007, 12:30 AM »
yeah and i'll never have sex with my mother like he told me too.... :buck2:


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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #16 on: May 18, 2007, 01:38 AM »
It's a shame he's gone.  I don't know the bloke, never met him or spoken to him, even on here.  But it's a crying shame when someone feels they have to leave the site over one incident.  I understand his reasoning behind what he was saying, but at the same time, if I'm led to believe that DC are sponsoring RADBMX events, then the last thing we need is members slating them.  Biting the hand that feeds you springs to mind....

Anyway regarding the statement below;

A large percentage of the people on the site quit BMX at the end of the first wave of popularity and probably regret doing so. But what annoys me is the excuses for why they a car....these aren't credible excuses! I had relationships, cars, kids etc. but still managed to ride every day! (get me on my high horse) I find a lot of people went on to the next 'bandwagon' to come along MTB, raves etc. I don't have any ill-feelings towards people who are led by 'fashion' as it represents 99% of the population but it's just not me.

I certainly regret quitting riding when I did.  But to say that booze, birds and cars aren't credible excuses??  Of course they are!  They may not seem so now that everyone has been drinking, shagging and driving (not particularly in that order and at the same time  :shocked: ) for 20 years, but at the time it was something new to try.  I do think about the years gone by where i wasn't riding and think what if.... but those years weren't exactly wasted doing fook all... i for one competed at judo for a number of years, almost qualified to be a contender on gladiators (don't laugh!).... and as for my drinking.... i've had some fantastic nights down the pubs and clubs over the years.  had some fantastic party holidays....  been out with lots of great lasses (and some not so great).  bought a few nice cars which i've always enjoyed driving... been travelling the length and bredth of the country and toured europe following my football team for the last 10-11 years.... built myself up some sort of career in IT.... 

bmx is not my complete life. it is a large part of it now and i will ride as much as i can now, but i'm not giving up everything else i do. hence, i don't do the friday riding sessions as that's beer time....  ::)

i know this doesn't sound very committed to the sport, but if you only rely on one thing in your life and that thing goes for whatever reason, then you have nothing....

Thank you for reading one of Trev's back from the pub and drunken night time rants.....  :LolLolLolLol:   This ain't the first and it certainly won't be the last....


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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #17 on: May 18, 2007, 02:23 AM »
 :LolLolLolLol:   don't take any notice of anything i say.....  once i've had a few beers i'll type anything....  :2funny:

i take it joe is darkersomeday...  i do also think he was treated rather harshly... everyone is entitled to voice their opinion on here regardless whether they've been riding all this time or like most of us, had a 20 year break...  the treatment he got was really unfair as he did have very valid points and they weren't just stupid rants about stupid things that have appeared on here before.

i think he justified in giving his views, but i think he probably went about it in the wrong way in expressing them.  i believe he was telling people not to buy dc or vans rather than saying that he doesn't buy them (i can't be bothered to go to the start of this thread to check).  No one likes to be told what to do, what they should or should not buy etc etc...  I for one would listen to someones opinion then make up my own mind about things, but would never let someone tell me what to do...  I think the vibe may have been that he's telling people what to do...  It was probably unintentional and has now blown all out of proportion... The end result is that we have lost another highly contributing member.  That is not good...


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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #18 on: May 18, 2007, 02:57 AM »
Its not just that rad lost a good member, but it sends bad messages to people who don't post much 'cos what they say would not be popular with the pack mentality. I don't think Joe started the abuse and I don't think the abuse back was a problem either - but it is quite tricky to fit in here if you have quite strong opinions and they aren't the same as the vibe here.

I don't post much, but I have deleted 100s before I clicked send because I don't think peeps here would like what I thought and it all end up in a pointless row.

I also think it is impossible for DC or any other sponsor to give a toss about a few people on here that might suggest that their ethics or products are shit and to try and protect them by censoring posts/oppinions is pointless.

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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #19 on: May 18, 2007, 06:59 AM »
To me it sends out the message that as long as the sponsors are happy we can afford to pi$$ off/lose the odd member here and there.......

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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #20 on: May 18, 2007, 07:40 AM »
I thoroughly enjoyed that thread   >:D and to be honest when reading it back, although it got a little heated was nothing to really consider leaving the forum over.

I think both guys have very valid points.  I wasn't aware of the Vans/DC issue, and if thats the way they play ball then thats sh1t, but it won't stop me buying a comfy pair of shoes !!!  Its a shame because I thought Joe was a good guy, I looked forward to his comments because he seemed well informed and was not scared to say how he felt. 

When reading the original thread, you can see both gents were passionate in their writing and quite clearly believed in there comments.  We're all grown adults here, surely its a new day in the morning, so why leave ???



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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #21 on: May 18, 2007, 08:10 AM »
Ive got nothing to do with this at all and i wasnt a member when this was going on but we are all members of this site due to our love for bmx.

If you dont race ride or freestyle or only collect and let them gather dust, then what does it matter???? BMX is what its about. Thats our love.

Everyone is allowed there opinion but people should express it in a manner that dosen't insult or belittle. Lets just have a laugh and keep the banter flowing! IT AINT THAT SERIOUS! :daumenhoch: 

Offline oberonspacefruit

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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #22 on: May 18, 2007, 08:13 AM »
Oh well, he left, fair play, as he said if you cant stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
So its ok for him to have hus bullshit rant but not me?
Just because i am a mod doesnt mean I dont or am not allowed an opinion on someone elses thoughts, thats the point of having a forum. I dont think I was heavy handed with anything, other than deleting one post in which he called my wife a C U N T. and even after that, I didnt start threatening to get his mobile number and start meeting him at motorway service stations or anything.

As Lazarou says, He's surprised that I bite back as I am the resident layed back hippie...Does that not give some credability as to how much shit one person has to dish out before i finally have a go back?

its fine to come on here shouting your opinion, but try listening to everybody's opinions, finding a balance to please every fooker on the site, whilst still trying to ride, build bikes, help organise events, raise money, moderate the forum, all the while "trying not to be like VBMX"  then tell me im being heavy handed with someone who goes shouting his part, not just about this issue but many many others, i could go back and quote some of his posts, but i wont, because I just cant be arsed.

tell you what, i'll resign as moderator, dordy already has, we'll all go one by one, then there will be no heavy handed 1984 VBMX type state, and you can all organise your own stuff, just how you,   like it. Itll save me a lot of time TBH, so perhaps ill have a bit more time to ride my bike without having to rely upon one of my lame excuses for not riding and wearing the right shoes.
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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #23 on: May 18, 2007, 08:19 AM »
Woooah, Calm down fella.

You were well within your right to do and act how you did, If someone called my missus that I would have met them in the service station !!  :2gunsfiring_v1:  I thought it was quite fair paring tbh.

Don't throw in the towel, you and all the other mods do a great deal for this site, I don't think its been heavily handed.  Forget the moderator, site supporter, whatever badges......I thought it was just two guys getting heated !!

Bring back the love  :4_17_5:
« Last Edit: May 18, 2007, 09:31 AM by Stace »


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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #24 on: May 18, 2007, 09:48 AM »
if i left i everytime i didn't agree with someone, or thought someone was doing something stoopid i would have deleted my account on the first day.

hehehe i remember one the first posts i made was in reply to a thread started by orb about a citroen saxo he had bought. i remarked that the only thing on the car worth having was the tyres . . . . :D

Lets just have a laugh and keep the banter flowing! IT AINT THAT SERIOUS! :daumenhoch: 


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