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Author Topic: what happened to Darkersomeday???  (Read 4208 times)

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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #25 on: May 18, 2007, 10:12 AM »
Too true mate!  :daumenhoch:

If we were all the same, with the same views just think how dull it would be??

anyways......we're all W ankers.....or just liers  ;)

Peace and love man!  :smitten:

Offline tricknuts

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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #26 on: May 18, 2007, 11:00 AM »
  i don't know what all this stuff is about Vans skateparks not letting in bikes.. they have seperate skate and bike sessions.  I moved to california, found there was a Vans park 10 miles away, paid my 50 dollars membership, 2 weeks later they closed it down. oh well.
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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #27 on: May 18, 2007, 11:02 AM »
  i don't know what all this stuff is about Vans skateparks not letting in bikes.. they have seperate skate and bike sessions.  I moved to california, found there was a Vans park 10 miles away, paid my 50 dollars membership, 2 weeks later they closed it down. oh well.

Oh, now youve done it! You have pulled the rug right out from under DSDs main point!  :LolLolLolLol:

Offline Stodgy

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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #28 on: May 18, 2007, 11:28 AM »
Just a note, the heated discussion was NOTHING about DSD's feelings towards DC/Vans - he has his opinion and he was pretty right, DC and VANS do have skateboard-only parks...afterall it is their core business (outside of the purely fasion industry).

I must admit I take great sadness that a paralell is being drawn with VBMX - the management of RADBMX are far far far away from corporate whores. We weren't stepping in against DSD to protect DC. The argument grew when he started with the personal remarks again when someone tried to challenge his opinion. I love a discussion based on facts, but when the schoolyard name calling starts it has to be nipped in the bud. Particularily when we have complaints from other members.

There is no doubt, we do need financial help with growing the site (remember a few weeks ago when no one could get on? it all cost money to sort out!) and to put on the kind of events everyone wants - things don't come for free and we all invest a massive amount of time too. There is a history with DC shoes and a massive about of background work which one of the MODS has put in to secure the deal - DC didn't just bang in and flash a load of cash has been earn't. Their help has come just at the right time as 2007 Old School BMX is going main stream...and RADBMX, your forum, needs to be at the forefront - afterall we have some fantastic members and a simply massive knowledge base, and just like riders in the 90's we're the ones at the core of the movement.

DSD is welcome back whenever he is ready...his mid-school knowledge and good eye are well respected.

BTW, I really wish I had kept riding through the 90's. I didn't. But, hell, I'm as dedicated as the next man for keeping the BMX vibe going.

Stay rad and keep the faith. It's all good.

« Last Edit: May 18, 2007, 11:30 AM by Stodgy »

Offline tricknuts

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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #29 on: May 18, 2007, 11:48 AM »
actually I was a MOD before BMX... green parker, piano tie,  lambretta patch sewn on ny mum,  grey staypress trousers, small badges with "the jam" and "the who" the lot. 
Long live the MODS !!

seriously I appreciate all the work that goes into making events and this site happen.   A lot of time effort and money is spent with often little or no thanks.   I'd be lost without my daily dose of radbmx. Its my coronation street.  I raise my glass. :4_17_5:   
"I've never stopped riding badly....and I never will"

Offline LucyLastic

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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #30 on: May 18, 2007, 11:55 AM »
Blimey, this thread is heavy.  Need to sit down and have a cup of tea.   :)

aditup 2234

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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #31 on: May 18, 2007, 11:59 AM »
Oh dear, I thought all this cr4p had stopped on here.
Never mind, I'll sit out AGAIN and mind my own business (the irony)
AD  :'(


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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #32 on: May 18, 2007, 12:28 PM »
Hay AD it was storm in a tea cup mate, dont leave us. ;)

Offline brass monkey!

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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #33 on: May 18, 2007, 12:36 PM »
Hay AD it was storm in a tea cup mate, dont leave us. ;)
yeah stay with it m8  :daumenhoch:

Handbags !!

that's all, just handbags ! LOL !!

Can we have some light hearted banter now please !  :)

Offline pickle

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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #34 on: May 18, 2007, 12:44 PM »
Hey Mr the Avatar......looks just like my old man back in the 70's!!!   :daumenhoch:

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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #35 on: May 18, 2007, 12:51 PM »
Hey Mr the Avatar......looks just like my old man back in the 70's!!!   :daumenhoch:

yeah !!

Don't know who he is ! But it's a classic,

I remember my old man having a Beard and Perm in the late 70's too !  :uglystupid2: :LolLolLolLol:

Offline pickle

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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #36 on: May 18, 2007, 01:36 PM »
My dad had a beard and perm for as long as i new him! 

once he shaved his beard off and came down stairs......when he came in the room i ran out thinking he was a stranger!  (i was only 5)  :LolLolLolLol:

RIP my old man........ :'(

But thanks for making me think of him today mate  :daumenhoch:

Offline TwoBobRob

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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #37 on: May 18, 2007, 07:56 PM »
I dunno.......

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I will never shy away from giving mine  (as you've all noticed I'm sure   :D),  but I do spend a massive amount of time picking and choosing my words. If I was going to criticise DSD, then I would say he might do well to remember that for the most part the people behind the user names are fully grown geezers that have had a good dose of life and experience in many things, including riding.

He can be passionate. He can be opinionated. Thats all cool in my book. Who wants to be a sheep?  But typing exactly what you're thinking seldom comes out right, just like when you're talking to someone. 

Say what you mean. Mean what you say.  But do it with respect  ;)

Here endeth the sermon  ;D

p.s.    You're all pricks.

Offline Dingobmxer

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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #38 on: May 18, 2007, 09:32 PM »
Does anyone remember Harry Enfields yorkshireman character? "I say waht I like and I like what I bloody well say"  :LolLolLolLol:

P.s where is Joe from  ???

 :) DINGO :)

Offline harris

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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #39 on: May 18, 2007, 10:05 PM »
was the word the C word   .

Offline billstup

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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #40 on: May 18, 2007, 10:06 PM »
Joe had a lot of good things to offer the site with regards to new and mid school, but he didn`t really get the old school vibe at all  :(

And you need to take in to account that there are a lot of posts that are deleted before a majority of the members have seen them, and Joe had a few deleted because of personal comments that he made about other members.

However he was not in danger of getting banned and he choose to delete his own account, something that we can do nothing about.

Mark just think how would you react if another member decided to have a pop at your partner  :knuppel2:
I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,
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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #41 on: May 18, 2007, 11:39 PM »

P.s where is Joe from  ???

 :) DINGO :)


after the sheer amount of e-mails, pm's and messages of support i've recieved thought i should at least put my point forward,

if you look at the thread you can clearly see the point at which i started to spit vitriol,  check muttley's message "what the fcuk are you on about now"  this implied to me that i'm seen as some sort of negative whinger, so i stamped on it,
muttleys reply to this was fine,
i straight away apologised for my sarcasm, its there for everyone to see,

the msboo wades in and openly, politely informs me that i come accross as a "w a n k e r",   at first i just laughed and took this as a joke,
but, mischief got the better of me and i started to wonder if i could get away with a similar response or whether i'd be jumped on for it,
so i responded with "no offence but you come accross as an i g n o r a n t  c u n t"   i chose the "C" word very carefully, not because i'd ever think of ANYONE in such a vulgar way, but to females the term illicits a strong response,
which it did.

now, i like oberon but his response's in the thread (to me) bore to relation to what we were talking about,
at no point did i mention anything derogatory about the events that you guys put on,
but i got the same "were just a friendly bunch" "beers,bikes and laughs" lecture, for absolutely no reason, as if i were in some way against it!

i actually applaud and respect anybody that throws there leg over a bicycle,especially a bmx, on a regular basis,
if you read my responses to the last mk event, they are ALL positive and supportive!  i love to see people enjoying riding, whatever form it takes!

i did think digging up my "collectors make me puke" was a little cheap, but its just a little internet banter so, fair do's!
from a purely idealogical perspective i stand by that 100%
if more young kids rode instead of taking drugs,nicking cars and mugging old ladies, the world would be a far better place.
but in practice i can see that these old bikes are quite rare and valuable and much loved so....
i hope that goes in some way to explaining it.

dcshoeco,vans and the usa skateparks,
in most cities across the usa if you try to ride a bmx in a skatepark youre in trouble, i most parks bikes are banned completely, you can even be fined by the police.
this isnt the fault of Vans or DC.
a few years ago Taj, joe rich and many other top pro riders started a campaign to let bmx bikes in public skateparks,
and many hoped the big skate companies would put there weight behind it but pretty much nothing happened.
for some people all this is irrelevent because its over there and not here, but imagine that scenario in the uk, how stupid would it seem?
not so much dc but Vans had a massive amount of financial support from bmx back in the 80's, at a time when skateboarding was dead, now i think its time the returned the support.
i have absolutely nothing against either Vans or DC, they both have amazing bmx teams and do a hell of alot for bmx,
but what i really wanted was for them and the other big companies to show support to there bmx customers by supporting the "bikes in parks campaign"
thats just my point of view, i'll tell people but cant force them to share my opinion! thats all it is, an opinion.

whats really weird though is that i skate! two of my closest mates are pro skaters!
at my local skatepark i know as many skaters as i do bmxers, as sports/lifestyles weve shared alot in common over the years,
i very much want bmx to follow in skatings success as a self supporting industry.

i get sick of saying this but it really is my fault when people take my harshness the wrong way,
"please dont get pissed off, i'm just taking the piss"
notice aswell that i only responded to peoples threads like this that i knew could take it, (stodge! :daumenhoch:)
or pre warned people otherwise!
it really is just an funny alternative to the usual "nice bike :smitten:" responses.


as many of you will know ther exists on the internet a type of forum/chat room dedicated to arguing,
most normal folk stay well away from the and rightly cannot see the point, but for someone in my trade it is genuinely priceless!
so i admit that i'm a little more distanced from the usual internet banter/beef than most,
its NOT personal, if it is youre finished.
most of you will already know this from experience and its a part of every forum i've ever been on. (check thecomeup or streetphire for proof!)

for over a year i pretty much moderated and administrated one of the biggest bmx forums in the uk, where i first met bill and he told us about this forum,
i honestly know just how difficult it is to keep the finite balance of a good, safe and fair forum thats accessible to everyone
and also know what a pain in the arse some people can be! me included!
but the one thing i absolutely always tried to do was keep it from feeling like "a clique"
no special priviledges were allowed to any of the moderators(or there spouses)
they gave it out then they had to be able to take it,
that (to me) is a fair forum.

i genuinely hope mr&mrs spaceferret didnt take any real offence and apologise for oberon walking away from his pc feeling pissed off,

anyone who i stung with the "you gave up on riding" jibes , dont be so daft, its just the obvious thing to say! more power to you for getting your bike game on again!

thank you so much for all the pm's and e-mails i've had from across the world urging me to stay on the forum,
it stands as a reference for just how great this forum is and could be,

i'll look in on the forum from time to time to see what you lot are building and have a look at the events photo's etc,etc,
but i really feel personally that i'm not quite ready to remenisce(sp?) just yet,

one thing i would ask all of you though is,
to give the credit and welcome to the "new school" riders that they deserve, theyre the ones breaking themselves to push our sport further.

good luck with the MK event,


Offline RATTY

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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #42 on: May 18, 2007, 11:46 PM »
Quick someone Ban him, he is talking sense :LolLolLolLol:
A long time ago, in a land far away!

Offline billstup

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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #43 on: May 19, 2007, 12:02 AM »
Joe I`m glad you`ve come back because I really enjoy learning about the mid school era when the sport was dead because I missed it all completely, and I`m in to the new school side because I`m riding again after a 20 year break.

It would be nice if you`d come to one one of our gatherings too, be asured you are more than welcome on here so you can change your screen name back to dsd if you want  :daumenhoch:
I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,
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Offline harris

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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #44 on: May 19, 2007, 07:25 AM »
marvelous   :4_17_5:

Offline Dingobmxer

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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #45 on: May 19, 2007, 07:36 AM »
Joe had a lot of good things to offer the site with regards to new and mid school, but he didn`t really get the old school vibe at all  :(

And you need to take in to account that there are a lot of posts that are deleted before a majority of the members have seen them, and Joe had a few deleted because of personal comments that he made about other members.

However he was not in danger of getting banned and he choose to delete his own account, something that we can do nothing about.

Mark just think how would you react if another member decided to have a pop at your partner  :knuppel2:

I have had it Bill and me and Andy nearly came to blows over it BUT Joe didnt start the flack this time, others did and he reacted accordingly and everyone jumped on him and that is why I was so annoyed, Phil brought up DC's involvement with the site not Joe, joes comments were about DC's ethics towards bikes in their parks nothing at all to do with DC and MK

Its nice that DC are giving you money for stuff BUT as I said before the very way in which you are handling this is the very thing you all say you all hate about Vintage, I noticed Rad didnt back Winstanleys when they were getting slated on here, would they have done so if Winstanleys gave them some sponsorship?
Its an open forum and Joe was commenting on a company as he saw it and it should have been left at that

which is exactly what I will do now, leave it at that  :daumenhoch:

« Last Edit: May 19, 2007, 07:54 AM by dingobmxer »

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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #46 on: May 19, 2007, 10:51 AM »
I have had it Bill and me and Andy nearly came to blows over it

me thinks that there needs to be some guide lines on this place before there is proper trouble.
its nearly gone off now a few times.
it will happen in the end at a meet somewhere at this rate.
i know some of you lot are very easy going.
but we aint all the same lads.
i know i aint.
dave the bmxing gypo


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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #47 on: May 19, 2007, 06:53 PM »
I don't think things members say in the heat of the moment or without really thinking can be regulated and to some extent since we are all human and not perfect it happens and people sort out there differences. Rad is not VBMX after all.

Persistantly offensive or trouble causing members seem to be easily recognised and fairly treated by both moderators and site owners.

What is sad is when members, who are valued and liked,  make comments meant to maximise offence and choose in the cold light of day to post comments with the intention of provoking a response. Case in point:

so i responded with "no offence but you come accross as an i g n o r a n t  c u n t"   i chose the "C" word very carefully, not because i'd ever think of ANYONE in such a vulgar way, but to females the term illicits a strong response,
which it did.

Sadly, no such response illicited from me, who really couldn't care less, however it does seem just not cricket.  Be assured that I am certainly not offended and accept that people are just as opinionated as I am and, like me, may not always express it in the best way.

Anyway, time to move on the sun is shining and tomorrow is another day :) 


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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #48 on: May 19, 2007, 07:36 PM »
mmmm i love to make up after an arguement :smitten:

i'll cruise along to an event sometime and apologise in person......

you wont be able to miss me.....i'm the tall,hunky,handsome guy dressed from head to toe in shining white haro factory gear...

i'll 360 over to you and give you a wink with my big ole s.e racing baby blue eye's....

i'll throw a couple of cherrypickers down and if youre lucky....

you can have a backie on my mint gen 1 resto!


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Re: what happened to Darkersomeday???
« Reply #49 on: May 19, 2007, 08:54 PM »

You're are a strange one, that's for sure.

Ride on   ;)

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