my mate came over to me at work today ...and said " i nearly rung you on sunday ...i seen this bmx on the car boot ..did not know if it was any good ?"..i said ..what was it called , what did it look like ?...he said " it was called mongoose are something ??...and it was grey ..?"...i said ..was the any other names on like ( menace, california, expert, villan , pro class..)...he then jumps in ..saying ..that was it had black five spoke wheels with white & black tyres...called a pro classic are something !!!!!!

...there not that clever .. much was he looking for it ?...he said " £20 "......

....i was nearly crying he said " the guy put it back in has car and said ill be back on next week if you change your mind "....

...cant wait till next saturday ......( i prob wont see it anyway ..long gone , but you never know )...ill keep you all updated ..