I've tried to reply to this a couple of times but every time i do the site crashes.
Was nice to meet you again Lou and i hope we made you feel welcome enough, even if i did have a bit of a hangover (there's a surprise) and the kids were running amock as usual
That's a nice bike you have there and i hope the stickers have stayed on and the cranks haven't come undone.
Lou made me give it a quick test ride all but she also had a go round my little close and did a couple of quick bunny hops which got me impressed, the woman over the road mowing her lawn was giving us some funny looks though as i made lou test drive half of my bikes
Thanks very much for that blue chain, i've already put it on the TA and i hope to see you at Hersden sometime soon even if it's just for a look.
Hersden is on this Monday you know?