Hi all, I searched and searched through this site, and many others, and haven't been able to come up with any info on this Torker2 Freestyel 280 Flash....serial number is T6090238, so I assume it's 1986, yes/no? SE standing gear copy forks....other parts on it aren't great. The decal stickers appear to me to be straight out of the 80's, as old as the bike itself. Some seem to think it could be a restickered bike, but I refuse to believe that until someone can actually show me the Torker 280 Flash model that actually exists....there is a sticker set on ebay too, but the seller didn't have any pics or info on the exact frame they're supposed to go on. I am from Canada, so I'm not sure if it was a limited Canadian release only.....Anybody, PLEASE, Help! I look forward to your replies.