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RADBMX.CO.UK  |  Technical & Reference Section  |  Tech and Restoration  |  How do you centre new school brakes?

Author Topic: How do you centre new school brakes?  (Read 487 times)

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How do you centre new school brakes?
« on: March 11, 2007, 08:33 AM »
Guys, any tips on how to centre these brakes? Cheers


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Re: How do you centre new school brakes?
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2007, 08:42 AM »
loosen the allen bolts and get a i think 10mm spanner 'turn the outer part that surounds the allen bolt towards you 'hold it there and tighten the allen bolt  :daumenhoch: do the same on the other side 'play it by ear  :daumenhoch:


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Re: How do you centre new school brakes?
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2007, 08:09 PM »
new school brakes are nice n easy to set up but first yer need to strip em out !!! as they prob been put together with no grease on the posts
once yer done the greaseing thing time to tension up the caps with the spings under
i like very little tension on them its just a case of geting them both the same then hookin the cable up n seeing how that goes yer will then prob have to tweek 1 cap a very small amount to make em center

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