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Author Topic: Young un's.... How easily impressed they are....  (Read 2560 times)

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Young un's.... How easily impressed they are....
« on: March 10, 2007, 03:29 PM »
In the pub with my mate Dan last night and we bump into his ex-girlfriends brother Paul. Dan went out with Paul's sister from about 88- 93 or something.

Anyhoo, Paul is a bit smashed and when he sees me, he starts shouting to the whole pub about how he used to look up to me because when I got my first job in '90, I had use of the company van, so instead of buying a car I bought my dream BMX. He was telling anyone who would listen that he thought that was so cool.

Poor kid...

After that he had a go at Dan for getting him to swap his pristine condidtion star wars tie fighter for a chocolate bar.....Dan replied: "well you ate the chocolate bar didn't you? So the deal couldn't have been that bad...." we left him there ranting.....  :LolLolLolLol:

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