I get confused over which Backyard comp was which. One day I'll sit down and get my head straight about who was at each year and where the verious parts of the comps were held.
hey, I'll start right now:
1991, local vert and flat comp.
1992, McCoy, Fuzzy. Bexhill + vert in a field
1993, Moeller, Treanor. Bexhill+ mini on the hill
1994, Clymer, John Parker. Bexhill + vert in a field
1995, Mike Ocoboc, Mat Hoffman. Bexhill + vert in a field
1996, Taj Mihelich, Mat Hoffman, Shaun Butler, Kris Bennett, Dave Osato, Jay Miron. Vert and dirt in the field with the water chasm
1997, Ryan Brennan.Marvin Lotteridge.Josh Stricker.Chad Herrington.Kris Bennett.Shaun Butler.Jimmy Levan, Jamie Bestwick.Stuart King, Steve Swope.Mike Escamilla. In the same water chasm field again
Phew, that helps me out no end! Thanks to 23 mag