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Author Topic: before bmx what did you ride.....  (Read 6083 times)

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Re: before bmx what did you ride.....
« Reply #50 on: March 02, 2007, 07:22 PM »
My first bike I remember was a budgie, Then a commando. on to a grifter which I covered in mirrors air horns a whip ariel and indicators. It was as heavy as hell but thought I was a mod so kept it that way till I saw a puch murray in halfords with lester mags on it.
I got that for christmass and over the next few years had every BMX I could get my hands on.
Best days of my life!!! Still see a lot of mates from bitd and they all think the same as me (14 years of age in a 39 year olds body) .


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Re: before bmx what did you ride.....
« Reply #51 on: March 02, 2007, 10:21 PM »
chipper for me i learned to ride on that thing, iremember my mum and dad saying right lets get you a bike then , they drove me to an alleyway were a guy was floggin second hand bikes (this is my memory of it anyway i must have been about five) and got a blue chiper i can remember my dad pushing me along then letting go that moment of axhilaration theres nothing like it , it was like flying , later i removed the backrest and put it on my supertuff for no handed wheelies

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Re: before bmx what did you ride.....
« Reply #52 on: March 02, 2007, 10:27 PM »
raleigh chopper. :smitten: :smitten: i loved that bike.
ding dong


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Re: before bmx what did you ride.....
« Reply #53 on: March 03, 2007, 01:42 AM »
first bike was some old pos that was given it wasd called a majestic !!!!!! wrecked that  got bright yellow raligh chopper n the fun began could wheeli n do all sorts of sill stuff on that  then got first bmx it was black n yellow moto 1  3 weeks later it got nicked was heart broken . about 6 mth later at xmass got red n yellow tuff burner  loved it to bits wrecked the tuffs n got normal wheels then that got nicked a few years later  n mate gave me a chrom bmx frame  unknown make possibly ammaco built that with chopper rear wheel so had geared bmx n run about on it till dec 86 n got moped on the road 

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Re: before bmx what did you ride.....
« Reply #54 on: March 03, 2007, 07:39 AM »
reading this thread makes me realise how much of a monopoly raleigh had on the Uk bile scene. no wonder they were crap. no competition to make decent bikes...

I staretd with a chipper then a chopper. i even put indicators on my chopper :-[  oh dear oh dear..  the went to a tuff burner, ammaco 202 frame with yellow tuffs ( sprayed white) then a CC prolite with blue acorns. Gave that to a mate, then got a Gt performer in the dying years. Did without from 1989 until 1999 when i bought a we the people.
Last year built up a old school haro sport, but also bought a S&M stricker frame. new schooler. best bike Ive ever ridden.

nothing beats the feeling of being back on a BMX at 35.. absolutely love it.. :4_17_5:

"I've never stopped riding badly....and I never will"


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Re: before bmx what did you ride.....
« Reply #55 on: March 03, 2007, 05:56 PM »
Good post Dan,
   Started of with what looked like a Budgie(almost positive it wasnt though)then had my first new bike,a raleigh Boxer in yellow(one of my mates was gonna get one too,I told him the yellow ones were the fastest so he got one  :LolLolLolLol:),then got a grifter superstar?? or something like that .....the rest is as they say.....'history'

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