Hi lads we were talking on rad about my gt pro with the stamped rear dropouts. Turns out Ad was pretty spot on his theorey. Ive had an email from a bloke on the us forums who claims his old man worked at the santa anna factory he says that the last run off 800 gts finishing in feb 84 were built for the benefit of the japs & they were stamped on both dropouts to give it a designer label kinda thing & to make them look at bit more profesional thats the reason the frame no was moved to the bb (the the japs didnt like it & decided to do the slash cut & stamped top tube). He seems to think that mine serial number G284799 was the last but one made G284800 was the last & old gary turner was said to have had the last one himself. And so the other bike that has come to light with both f&f stamped in the same way is also one of the last santa anna built bikes frame no G284788. Im not sure that this will mean they are worth more but its a nice to get a reasonable explnation about these bikes. Im keeping mine now anyway its back up on my wall. cheers Ad Ben.