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Author Topic: just trying to catch up with old salts  (Read 2675 times)

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mike pardon

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just trying to catch up with old salts
« on: October 15, 2005, 02:15 PM »
Allright its my first time on the site. Bloody virgin. my mate Tony Law said check it out.. Great to see theres so much enthusiasm for the old days!!!

Iam riding a fair bit did Alans old school deal and reckon i would have won the series but had the worst crash and popped my shoulder out. He said come and do this old school race thing. So iam like okay, havent ridden  in 15 years and its on new school tracks which are gnarly and against guys who have never stopped and are fit as fxxx. Its was great fun and Karl sanders won deservedly. good bloke top racer.

Ive bought a new bike and have learned how to ride again. ( i never could anyway) i learned spines and rolling in on coping and loads of really basic stuff to the new guys but its advanced to me!!! i have a blast.
Its great ive discovered the whole reason why i first started this sport. 

Ive been skating a lot and learned my vert stuff again but for the longest time ive been surfing. So my whole thing now is supermotard racing. Its bmx with an engine. Its great i get the same buzz as when i first saw a bmx.. Remember that feeling???  How good did bmxs look. Just so purposeful. Made for the job in hand!!

So iam not sure how this whole deal works. If theres any get togethers i will be happy to come and if anyone wants to contact me please do. I spoke to Billly(stupple) on the phone a while ago i was stoked Billy ripped.

All the best Mike Pardon

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Re: just trying to catch up with old salts
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2005, 02:19 PM »
hi mike welcome to the site man .nice to have another top memeber on here .hope you enjoy .greg

mike pardon

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Re: just trying to catch up with old salts
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2005, 03:17 PM »
No worries, its good to find a site like this. cheers Greg

Offline dordymush

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Re: just trying to catch up with old salts
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2005, 03:26 PM »
hey mike were having a rad get together at bones skatepark in stockport on the 29th of this month.just us oldies 9pm till up for that then  ;).theres a show and shine as well. so should be a few nice bikes on show as well.
dave the bmxing gypo

mike pardon

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Re: just trying to catch up with old salts
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2005, 05:05 PM »
hey mike were having a rad get together at bones skatepark in stockport on the 29th of this month.just us oldies 9pm till up for that then  ;).theres a show and shine as well. so should be a few nice bikes on show as well.

Bloody typical mate. iam  in Cadwell park that weekend racing. Iam trying to organise something for the Velodrome in Manchester next year.. How good would that be.. Keep it under your hat though.  :-XHa ha. straight up.... what a venue iam thinking of combining an old school new school competition ;D

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Re: just trying to catch up with old salts
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2005, 05:08 PM »
Wow...Mike Pardon on the!

Welcome!  :)

Offline dordymush

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Re: just trying to catch up with old salts
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2005, 05:36 PM »
mate what you doing in ya night clothes in that pic  ;D.
dave the bmxing gypo

mike pardon

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Re: just trying to catch up with old salts
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2005, 07:40 PM »
mate what you doing in ya night clothes in that pic  ;D.

It was a pyjama party at the opening of yo yos bowl.. Bloody freezing as well.. 

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Re: just trying to catch up with old salts
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2005, 07:45 PM »
reminded me of Wee Willy Winky LOL ;D

Offline tricknuts

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Re: just trying to catch up with old salts
« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2005, 08:21 PM »
Woo Hoo. Mike pardon. Bring out the old school heros!!
Congratulations on your BMX Beat victory ( 85 i think)
You'l need to find out where Andy preston is now, and ask him to do a knee barstand for us.

Great to have you here. Not only can you read about the old times in the freestyle , but over on the random forum, get advice on washing machine troubles, home decorating, coal boiler removal, family issues, money matters, etc etc. One stop
"I've never stopped riding badly....and I never will"


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Re: just trying to catch up with old salts
« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2005, 10:14 PM »
wow...pike has made it....welcome dude.

Don't suppose you still have your Aero Pro.

Great skater as well.....damn.



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Re: just trying to catch up with old salts
« Reply #11 on: October 16, 2005, 01:14 AM »
Hey Admin I know we dont really want to copy other peoples stuff but I really think we should borrow the '10000 Posts for bona fide legends' or some kind of 'post exempt' status, whadya think?

mike pardon

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Re: just trying to catch up with old salts
« Reply #12 on: October 16, 2005, 09:45 PM »
wow...pike has made it....welcome dude.

Don't suppose you still have your Aero Pro.

Great skater as well.....damn.


Cheers Fraser its good to be in the madhouse.. I wish i had my aero pro, i have my original Raleigh and Hutch jerseys though. I bought a new bike a specialised TJ lavin its a good un. I would kill for a copy of my skateboard deck i had  on bash(now FLIP) and a raleigh aero pro like i used to ride. ah well keep dreaming l8r Mike

mike pardon

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Re: just trying to catch up with old salts
« Reply #13 on: October 16, 2005, 09:48 PM »
Woo Hoo. Mike pardon. Bring out the old school heros!!
Congratulations on your BMX Beat victory ( 85 i think)
You'l need to find out where Andy preston is now, and ask him to do a knee barstand for us.

Great to have you here. Not only can you read about the old times in the freestyle , but over on the random forum, get advice on washing machine troubles, home decorating, coal boiler removal, family issues, money matters, etc etc. One stop

Andy Preston lives in Norfolk in a converted church apparently. He is well into Kiteboarding. I reckon he could still do a barstand. I won BMX beat in 84 mate for the record. They wouldnt let me ride in the 85 one. Thank god i would have got my arse kicked.  see ya Mike

Offline tricknuts

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Re: just trying to catch up with old salts
« Reply #14 on: October 17, 2005, 02:11 AM »
  84!! damn. Iwas nearly right. I was there for all the filming of all BMX beats.I should stil have them on VHS somewhere.  Congratulations anyway. They wouldn't let me ride in any of them, cos i was so shit.
Great to see you  onboard Mike.
"I've never stopped riding badly....and I never will"


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Re: just trying to catch up with old salts
« Reply #15 on: October 17, 2005, 05:51 AM »
in 85 bmx beat was just for the am's
then in 86 they had am and pro


RADBMX.CO.UK  |  Old School BMX 1980 - 1988  |  Old School Freestyle (frame stands and kickturns galore!)  |  just trying to catch up with old salts

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