As e bay has now made it virtually impossible to see if your being shill bidded with thier bidder 1 bidder 2 scheme

and after all the kerfuffle of the make me an offer disscusion/row/disagrement in the rad for sale section wouldnt it be time to have our own auction ?
I know theres a argument of member bidding against member but aint we doing that on ebay anyway?? only now we cant even see if its mates against mates

im not just saying this but unless its something i really really want, in the past if ive seen something on e bay and a memeber on here has been bidding on it and i know they have been asking for for it i deliberitly wont bid,
the fees you pay ebay could go in the rad donation fund,,

theres lots of +'s as im sure thers -'s
like i said just a thought, i know this has probally been spoken about before but now with well over 2000 members it might just work