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Author Topic: Yes Trick Team  (Read 10077 times)

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Offline SteveG

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Yes Trick Team
« on: February 04, 2007, 04:48 PM »
I have been searching through all my stuff and found my Yes bag with all my kit, helmet etc  in it still.  Sadly it doesn't fit anymore. :'(
I was lucky enough to be given the stuff by Motorcycle City and did a few displays as a member of the team.
As I recall Jason Nash and Chris Laney were the 2 original members. Jason approached us at a local club and asked if my Father could build another quarter pipe for Motorcycle City. This was done but Jason ended up leaving before using it.  I'm not sure how it happened but myself, Jason Walsh, Mike Goodman and Dave Callister joined the team. We did quite a few Displays and had a great time.
Is there anyone else on here that used to ride for Yes, we met some of their racers at one display in Cornwall as well.
Happy days  :)

Offline harris

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Re: Yes Trick Team
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2007, 04:54 PM »
hi mate ,i can remember doing the odd demo with yes back in 85,we was halfords demo team and they sort of mixed a bit for a while or something along those lines.some of the yes team rode with a show/display crash team and held local comps and handed out bags of of them dod wheelies and his front wheel would drop out and he would carry on wheeling around the stadium but cant remember any names.

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Re: Yes Trick Team
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2007, 05:09 PM »
85 we was the scorpion team under halfords.

Offline SteveG

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Re: Yes Trick Team
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2007, 05:12 PM »
I think that Yes had a lot of people riding for them, probably done through their network of distributors. I never really knew the full story.
I think my main contribution to the team was putting the ramps up, but the tricks I could do were quite polished and filled in the gaps between the others doing wild stuff on the quarter pipe.


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Re: Yes Trick Team
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2007, 08:25 PM »
jeez, i still have my Yes Titan Dominator bike, all original in my parents garage! its f**ked though, loads of cracks, no decals, tuffs are wrecked but I loved that bike!! My grandad drove me to Motorcycle city in Farnboro from Portsomouth to but that thing, man I was soooooo happy that day!!!


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Re: Yes Trick Team
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2007, 09:37 PM »
i used to work for motorcycle city does that count?

Offline SteveG

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Re: Yes Trick Team
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2007, 09:42 PM »
I can't remember much about the Yes bikes as we used our own. They were going to give us all frames but I can't remember what they were now. I remember going upstairs at Motorcycle City for something and seeing all the grips they had in stock. If only I had seen into the future  ;)
What branch was that at Spesh?


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Re: Yes Trick Team
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2007, 09:59 PM »
i worked at the portsmouth branch

Offline SteveG

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Re: Yes Trick Team
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2007, 10:46 PM »
I probably never met you but you might some of the people involved.  I think Dean Hemmings was somewhere high up and a guy called Bob (something) used to arrange what we did.  They used to get the Motorbike delivery guys to take us and the ramps to events and they were all mad.  Renault Master vans do over 100mph downhill, not so fast going up mind  ;)

Offline SteveG

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Re: Yes Trick Team
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2007, 03:41 PM »
Just found this photo of Chris Laney amongst my collection.  Hope you don't mind me putting this one on if you see it Chris but its one of the best photos I have.  It does show off the kit Yes gave us all to wear though !
Just to prove that he didn't just pose for the camera the next one is of Chris actually doing something , and me rolling back after doing an endo on the other ramp  ;)

Offline Zippy

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Re: Yes Trick Team
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2007, 04:00 PM »
I used to work for Motorcycle City as well at their Clapham, Batersea, Great Portland St, Greenford, Hanger Lane branches.

What's your name Spesh, is it Chris?

Mikey G

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Re: Yes Trick Team
« Reply #11 on: June 28, 2007, 12:39 PM »
Oh my God,

Hey Steve, it's Mike Goodman. I can't believe I'm sitting at my computer looking at photos of us in 1984!!!!! If I get time I'll try and scan in some photos and put them up here too.


Offline SteveG

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Re: Yes Trick Team
« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2007, 01:05 PM »
Hi Mike.

Nice to hear from you. Chris Laney has been on here.  Be nice to get Darren on as well and have a mini reunion, on here at least.

I'm such a sad git, still got my Ripper and my Brothers Redline, even had a go at the local skatepark a few weeks back, still as bad as ever though.   ;)

Be good to see some photos if you have any, no embarracing ones of me though, I still remember how bad a card player I was and how fast I ran round Gilly's tent.  Hopefully you can't remember and there aren't any incriminating photo's.

Anyway, best go and get my daughter her lunch, she keeps asking who I am writing a message to.


Offline lazychubs

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Re: Yes Trick Team
« Reply #13 on: June 28, 2007, 03:46 PM »
i have a yes cruiser thanks to harris


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Re: Yes Trick Team
« Reply #14 on: August 08, 2008, 09:23 AM »
Just want to pop in a say Hi as I used to pop in from time to time at the Camberley Autofactor car park and ride the ramps. Did a couple of displays also but I can't rememeber where apart from the odd schol and the Frimley Green fete.

I knew Darren also and his sister Nina. I remember Darren had a lovely Haro Master and was designing his own stem with the brake cable going through the middle. It was part of a school project. Never knew if he finished it but I remember him showing me it at his house and it looked brilliant.

I also remeber Mike Goodman. I remember him being very good. Other people I knew were,

Anthony Colgate
Nick and John Preece
Steve Madden
Nick Pugh
Ricardo Susio
Nick Biddle

There was also some guy that lived down the end of Darren's road that had a PK Ripper but I can't remember his name.

If I wasn't riding around the street then I was up at the half pipe at Farnborough, in the woods by Tomlinscote School or down at Southsea.


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Re: Yes Trick Team
« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2008, 10:49 PM »
Arrgh Happy days indeed. I did my first arial on that Qpipe outside camberley auto factors.
I still remember the fear of the first one like it was yesterday (24 years ago)
I only did one demo which was Lightwater but remember using the pipe after the demos at frimley fete and at Grove school where I think Darren walsh popped out and went straight over the platform lukily the long jump pit was behind.
You can also add Mike Boylan to that list (unless that is you Mike/Linus?)
and also Julian and Christian Neison
I think I may be able to get hold of a lot of pics taken one sunday down there. will see if I can source them.



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Re: Yes Trick Team
« Reply #16 on: August 23, 2008, 11:02 PM »
Arrgh Happy days indeed. I did my first arial on that Qpipe outside camberley auto factors.
I still remember the fear of the first one like it was yesterday (24 years ago)
I only did one demo which was Lightwater but remember using the pipe after the demos at frimley fete and at Grove school where I think Darren walsh popped out and went straight over the platform lukily the long jump pit was behind.
You can also add Mike Boylan to that list (unless that is you Mike/Linus?)
and also Julian and Christian Neison
I think I may be able to get hold of a lot of pics taken one sunday down there. will see if I can source them.


STEVE!! Is that really you. Yes this is Michael Boylan :) I was going to try and contact you through friends reunited to see if you had any photo's. I also wanted to ask you what bike you rode. I remember it being chrome with bright green Skyways. it looked great but I could never remember what make it was.

I also remember Julian and Christian. Do you remember Nick Pugh. We used to ride with him all the time up at the half pipe in Farnborough. You were awsome at aerials. Nick and I could never understand how you could get such air out of that Farnborough pipe. You just had no fear :)

See I remember that Frimley fete and the Lightwater and Grove school fetes. I remember doing some of these shows so its good I am not the only one.

I so hope you can get some photos as I only have 1 or 2. I have this one of you on my old CW freestyler.

Hope to talk to you soon.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2008, 11:04 PM by Linus27 »

Offline SteveG

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Re: Yes Trick Team
« Reply #17 on: August 23, 2008, 11:06 PM »
I'm having a big problem remembering everyone. Mike Boylan is Linus.  I've got some more pictures of Lightwater demo, well my mum has. I haven't had the chance to get them from her again.
I was talking to her about things and she was saying that there was a younger guy who did maybee one demo and his mum was a supply teacher. Wasn't sure if it was Mike might have been you.
I thought I could remeber most things but I am starting to wonder now !


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Re: Yes Trick Team
« Reply #18 on: August 23, 2008, 11:11 PM »
I'm having a big problem remembering everyone. Mike Boylan is Linus.  I've got some more pictures of Lightwater demo, well my mum has. I haven't had the chance to get them from her again.
I was talking to her about things and she was saying that there was a younger guy who did maybee one demo and his mum was a supply teacher. Wasn't sure if it was Mike might have been you.
I thought I could remeber most things but I am starting to wonder now !

Hi SteveG,

Yes Linus is me, Michael Boylan  :) Really look forward to seeing any photos you have. I don't think I am that person as my mum I don't think was ever a supply teacher.


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Re: Yes Trick Team
« Reply #19 on: August 23, 2008, 11:18 PM »
Hi Steve

If you have some pictures of the lightwater demo thatn would be cracking. I think the pants I wore on that day were tighter then the ones Mike has snapped me in that photo.


good to hear from you buddy , whats it been 20+ years. That pic is a gem I have this one of outside M&Ws as well'topic=62914.msg666567#msg666567

The tuffs in this pic are the same as on your CW. Do you remeber you swapped them for my white ones?

I have spoken to Nick Pugh a couple of time through friend reunite, but that was a while ago now.

I still have the bike with the green tuffs. It is a Craig Campbell prolite Freestyler just in the process of doing a restoration job on it at the moment.

The photos belong to a bloke called Martin Nelson I think. I should be able to get hold of him still he used to do live near the railings by the alley way at the bottom of St.Catherines near Lel's house.

As for the arials it was a mental thing. You used to blow me away with your street stuff so there was no way I was going let you beat me on the pipe ha ha  ;)

memories memories mate could go on all night.

« Last Edit: August 23, 2008, 11:58 PM by erniemadden »

Offline SteveG

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Re: Yes Trick Team
« Reply #20 on: August 23, 2008, 11:37 PM »
I think this was taken at Lightwater, if it was then there are more photos

This is Mike Goodman.


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Re: Yes Trick Team
« Reply #21 on: August 24, 2008, 12:02 AM »
Hi Steve,

not sure that was lightwater.
Definitly remember it being a wet day as I come a cropper on the quater pipe practising in the morning.
I think also it was the blue pipe. You did have two pipes as memory serves me correct. Is that right?


Offline SteveG

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Re: Yes Trick Team
« Reply #22 on: August 24, 2008, 12:54 AM »
I'm not sure now then.
Yes we did have 2 pipes although the blue one was paid for by the bike shop in Frimley Green and belonged to the Farnborough club. The smaller one was buit for Motorcycle City for the Yes trick team which I think was only Jason Nash at the time. They told us the size they wanted then found it wouldn't fit in their van. I don't think they actually paid for it but I got to take part in the demos.

It would be interesting to know what happened to the ramps.  The Farnborough club kept the blue one and my dad sold sold the smaller one I think. The last time I saw it was at Camberley sports center when Chris Laney and Darren Walsh were using it.


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Re: Yes Trick Team
« Reply #23 on: August 24, 2008, 09:26 AM »
Hi Steve

If you have some pictures of the lightwater demo thatn would be cracking. I think the pants I wore on that day were tighter then the ones Mike has snapped me in that photo.


good to hear from you buddy , whats it been 20+ years. That pic is a gem I have this one of outside M&Ws as well'topic=62914.msg666567#msg666567

The tuffs in this pic are the same as on your CW. Do you remeber you swapped them for my white ones?

I have spoken to Nick Pugh a couple of time through friend reunite, but that was a while ago now.

I still have the bike with the green tuffs. It is a Craig Campbell prolite Freestyler just in the process of doing a restoration job on it at the moment.

The photos belong to a bloke called Martin Nelson I think. I should be able to get hold of him still he used to do live near the railings by the alley way at the bottom of St.Catherines near Lel's house.

As for the arials it was a mental thing. You used to blow me away with your street stuff so there was no way I was going let you beat me on the pipe ha ha  ;)

memories memories mate could go on all night.


Hi Steve,

Yeah, bloody long time. Your right, it must be way over 20 years. I'll PM in a day or to to catch up.

HAHA great photo. I had forgotten we swapped wheels ( suffering from SteveG syndrome now :) ) That must had been for my white Haro sport although I always thought I had normal rims on that. Maybe they were for my CW as that had a white seat.

I bet that Craig Campbell prolite Freestyler is pretty rare. Well worth hanging onto. I remember when you first turned up on it with those green wheels. It looked totally awsome. I think it was when Skyway first started to make other colours other than white and black and your bike looked really modern and cool.

I also spoke to Nick a few years ago but like you, not for a long time. I met up with him and Ian Randle about 5 years ago for a drink but not seen or heard from him since.

I guess I was good at flatland because I spent every day practising. I so had no life :):) Plus, it was less scary that jumping 5 ft off the top of a halfpipe. I had a go at some of the old tricks on my new bike the other day and they have left me big time. I can nearly do a 360 tail whip though :) I remember you would see somebody do a trick and just go and try it. I remember you were a total nutter and had no fear. Do you remember being up at the Farnborough half pipe with Nick. I think I had just bought a Redline flight crank from somebody and mid turn it fell out and I bailed big time at the bottom of the pipe  :LolLolLolLol:

I so hope you can get some photos. I only have about 5 and would love to see some more. I was telling my wife about riding up at M & W al the time so its so cool you got a photo of it.

Also, if you ever get your bike finished and fancy meeting for ride, either at Farnborough skatepark or other then just say. Would be great to meet up and say hi again.


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Re: Yes Trick Team
« Reply #24 on: September 30, 2008, 01:37 PM »
A few more names you can add to who rode for the Farnborough Team which I think was called Farnborough Phantoms is,

Matty Chilman - Diamond Back
Nigel Brown - Haro (ex Darren Walsh)
Keith Potts

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