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Offline Picklez

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Gave Her a Little Polish Today
« on: January 04, 2015, 05:48 PM »
Hi Guys

Bit early to post as a build thread but putting the Christmas decorations away this morning and couldn't help getting the bikes out and giving this poor old girlie a good polish.

It's been 3 years in the reckoning so far but the parts are starting to come together now, got bars, stem, and seat post clamp packed away at the moment and a few more bits to pick up when I get back to the states at the end of the month.

So hope you enjoy for now, I'll be starting a proper (but slow  :-\) build thread early Feb - when I get back from the states with the other bits.

Happy New Year Guys  :4_17_5:

**** WANTED: Early black Comp ST's, Mint Black Shotgun 2 or OG Suede Kashi Aero, Titrons, Black-White/White-Black RadKaps. Thank You ****

Offline chubby

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Re: Gave Her a Little Polish Today
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2015, 05:54 PM »
WANTED : 1" freestyle forks, uglier the better

Offline dwain dibbly

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Re: Gave Her a Little Polish Today
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2015, 07:00 PM »
quality all the way!! :4_17_5: :4_17_5:

Offline McQUEEN

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Re: Gave Her a Little Polish Today
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2015, 07:58 PM »
I love these frame sets - one of my favorite freestylers by far   :shocked:
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Re: Gave Her a Little Polish Today
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2015, 08:42 PM »
Whats the score with the front forks?
When I was born, the world was a far simpler place.
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Offline Picklez

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Re: Gave Her a Little Polish Today
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2015, 09:09 PM »
Whats the score with the front forks?

Early/Pre-Production 84' Trix came with standard GHP forks, no integrated pegs. GHP originally built (& Aparijo tested) the bikes in that form. It was only later that the pegs were added. In some senses a shame as I love the look of the forks with the pegs, but then this is an early OG chrome version, so it's not like I'm too upset.

Thanks for the comments BTW.

**** WANTED: Early black Comp ST's, Mint Black Shotgun 2 or OG Suede Kashi Aero, Titrons, Black-White/White-Black RadKaps. Thank You ****

Offline McQUEEN

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Re: Gave Her a Little Polish Today
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2015, 09:12 PM »
Thanks, I'd read the same. A chrome early one with the original forks is a find. I lost out in a bidding war on one of these last year - the forks it had were actually 2011 repops built by Voris Dixon under Greg Hills authorisation. Still looking for one, but looking forward to seeing this get built up.
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Offline Picklez

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Re: Gave Her a Little Polish Today
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2015, 09:23 PM »
Thanks, I'd read the same. A chrome early one with the original forks is a find. I lost out in a bidding war on one of these last year - the forks it had were actually 2011 repops built by Voris Dixon under Greg Hills authorisation. Still looking for one, but looking forward to seeing this get built up.

Was that the white one on museum that ended up on eBay, heard the guy scored two and let that one go
**** WANTED: Early black Comp ST's, Mint Black Shotgun 2 or OG Suede Kashi Aero, Titrons, Black-White/White-Black RadKaps. Thank You ****

Offline McQUEEN

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Re: Gave Her a Little Polish Today
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2015, 09:25 PM »
Thanks, I'd read the same. A chrome early one with the original forks is a find. I lost out in a bidding war on one of these last year - the forks it had were actually 2011 repops built by Voris Dixon under Greg Hills authorisation. Still looking for one, but looking forward to seeing this get built up.

Was that the white one on museum that ended up on eBay, heard the guy scored two and let that one go
that's the one. It needed some work, the powder wasn't the best and there was ding on one of the rear forks, but finished in white with gold and black parts it would have look great.
When I was born, the world was a far simpler place.
It was all just cops and robbers.
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Offline McQUEEN

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Re: Gave Her a Little Polish Today
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2016, 09:28 PM »
just read your post on the graphites - cant wait to see this build thread start up again.
When I was born, the world was a far simpler place.
It was all just cops and robbers.
And BMX.

Offline Picklez

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Re: Gave Her a Little Polish Today
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2016, 10:47 PM »
just read your post on the graphites - cant wait to see this build thread start up again.

Thanks, I'll be getting some pic's up in the next week or so. Home Monday but the old jet lag may knock me for a couple of days  :daumenhoch:

So far amassed:

Headset: silver 125
Brakes: silver mx1000's
Levers: silver acs tec3's
Cables: Black 84 dc's
Stem: Chrome ESP
Bars: VDC Woody's (need a trip to the chromers (I'm lame at that bit, and will eventually swap them out for vdc freestyle)
Grips: Black Oakley 2's (want to find some B2's)
Crank: Profile gen 3's - had a repop spider but picking up an 80's one this weekend from a buddy who's been looking after it for me. Shame though previous owner polished ti to death, may have to see what I can do about that
Pedals: The Horse shoes above
Chain wheel: Not yet
Chain: my old 80's izumi slotted - be restoring that soon
Seat Post clamp: polished hutch donut
Seat Post: the sst command post above
Seat: Black Kashi aero with allen guts  (want to find a mint Shotgun11)
Wheels: No surprises, the graphites
Tyres: Black Comp St's (have a pair, but wanting to find a second 2.125)
Decals: Lovely set from the man himself - Black on chrome, originals were completely battered all red on chrome - earlier than the final production Trix decals

From memory (though that's not what it used to be) the frame's stamped 0784

Check back in a week or so, I'll get all the new images up in some form of order. Though things may pause again after that until September as I'll be waiting for the chromers and dealing with family stuff that's outstanding.

Thanks for resurrecting  :4_17_5:
**** WANTED: Early black Comp ST's, Mint Black Shotgun 2 or OG Suede Kashi Aero, Titrons, Black-White/White-Black RadKaps. Thank You ****

Offline MartyC

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Re: Gave Her a Little Polish Today
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2016, 08:59 AM »
That looks amazeballs  :4_17_5:

Better to crash and burn than fade away

Offline deeman

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Re: Gave Her a Little Polish Today
« Reply #12 on: June 29, 2016, 09:52 PM »
C'mon Pete....dyin' to see this built  :daumenhoch:

Offline oldscool

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Re: Gave Her a Little Polish Today
« Reply #13 on: June 30, 2016, 09:59 AM »
Very nice get it built  :tumbleweed:
If in doubt flat out.

Offline McQUEEN

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Re: Gave Her a Little Polish Today
« Reply #14 on: July 06, 2016, 07:20 AM »
July could be the Trix month....I'm waiting for this to come back from SBD.

Both the frame and forks have needed lots of work. Crushed brake bridge, chewed drop outs, dinks to tubes all the way around, and a conversion of GHP forks to mirror the VDC made GHP  forks.

But come on, this build is the push I need to get mine built!

When I was born, the world was a far simpler place.
It was all just cops and robbers.
And BMX.

Offline Faze 3

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Re: Gave Her a Little Polish Today
« Reply #15 on: August 16, 2016, 11:02 AM »
I'll put me Ammaco freestyler back in the box then :P

Offline Picklez

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Re: Gave Her a Little Polish Today
« Reply #16 on: October 22, 2016, 07:53 PM »
Hi Guys

Hope you're all well.

Well MR McQueen obviously has a great Trix resto thread on the go at the moment but one of the side effects is its been making me feel a little guilty about how lame I've been with my build and this thread  ;D

McQueen's posted some great history regarding the frame etc so I'm not going to bore you all with pretty much a repetition of the same information, rather just give you a little background of how I came by my one.

I packed up my bmx days around 88, something to do with starting to earn money, breaking bones on motorbikes, chasing women, and being legally allowed in our fine drinking establishments. Anyway roll forward 12 years and I get a call from my father saying along the lines of 'I'm clearing out the loft, do you want this old bike I found or can I take it down the tip?". That was it, season 2 of old schooling. Got my bike back found eBay and never looked back since - man the prices in those days, makes you sick now. Anyway the Trix, over the next 10 years, as the hype built, and forums came along I came across this weird GHP freestyler, never knew of them bitd but fell in love with them and had to find one. It wasn't until 2011 that I found this one, Neil (Subwax) posted it on eBay. That was it, had to have it, dropped him an email and after a short exchange we struck a deal. Two days later (8th Dec 2011) I jumped in my car and went and picked the old girl up. Here's one of the pic's from the original listing, and obviously how I got her:

A early OG chrome 84 model with the pre-pegg'ed forks and original (very mashed up) decals.

And the serial number:

And the funny bit, well check McQueens sn:

Mine:              0784151
McQueens:    0784152

I've no idea whether or not GHP strictly adhered to a policy of sequentially stamping their build serial numbers or not but pretty amazing none the less.

Anyway, next came the whole indecisive part of most builds, what's the vision/inspiration. For me, this was going to be my Grail build, my one true effort at a 'show' build, the others are built to ride, for the enjoyment, or to bring back memories, with the Trix I just wanted to do one with a theme of pure show piece. May sound arrogant, it's no way meant to, just the vision I had for this build. So the inspiration (as it remains 5 years later):

If I understand correctly this is Flanelcamel's  VDC 'woody' changa (FC's a museum member with a massive os collection - see this link if you're not familiar with some of his bikes'topic=41024.0). Anyway, I just love it, chrome and black  :smitten:. The Trix won't be exactly the same but will be very close. Probably most noticeable deviations I plan will be around the bars, seat (if lucky), cranks (sorry, not a fan of aerospeeds - each to their own), and tyres - if I can find some og cp snake bellies (at a price I don't need a mortgage for) I'll grab them, but I'm not holding much hope.

So - you might be getting the idea, not a cheap, or quick build -  ::) the type of components I was starting to look for for this build don't come along all that often, and when they do you have to be lucky enough to spot them, be loaded, make a quick assessment whether you're prepared to pay the asking price, and if so be ready to pull the trigger without another hesitation. Hence here I am waffling on about the build 5 years later, rather than dusting the finished article. I'm like most of you I expect. I have a certain BMX Builds fund I allow myself, after family/home etc are taken care of, and that's it. So it's taking a bl@@dy long time to get this one sorted  ;D

Anyway back to the update. So, here's where I've got to by 2016:

Yep, sorry the og decals are gone- I know some of you will call me a heathen but they really were mashed to bits on one of the fork leaks, missing on the other, and not inline with the desired black-chrome vision I am chasing (and trust me, it's not the worst crime I'm going to commit with this build  :whistle:). So, after a long email exchange will Del these arrived:


The man's an absolute star  :4_17_5:

And a closer view of the components that are coming together:

Profile Horseshoes  -Thanks Adam  :daumenhoch:
SST Dirtskirt
Revcore Dropout Savers (may not end up on here as they're a little newer than the frame but it will definitely have some form of og savers)

MX 1000's (both 85's, would have loved 84's but happy to float a year or two around 84 for the right components - we all did bitd. Both were also lilac and white, one nos, one lightly used. Picked both up for a steal and obviously one's already refinished)

Levers, ACS Locking Tec3's (these weren't cheap "nono" but I wanted something different to tech5's that I usually default to or dc tech3's)

Profile Gen3 (A)

SST Post & Hutch Donut

84 Black Kashi
2 x 84 Rear Black DC Cables (want to swap these out for silver ones now though)

Tange 125

ESP Stem

VDC Woody's (still waiting to go to the chromers)

Black Oakley 0.5's

An last but by no means least -

Gen 3 Skyway Graphites - these really are mint, photos do not do them justice

That's it for the moment guys, hope you enjoy.

I'm not going to lie, this girlie's not going to be finished in the next few weeks, or even months - come on, I'm 5 years and counting, but if I'm lucky I may get to dust her by this time next year.

None the less I'll be posting some more updates in the coming days and weeks.

Cheers & keep it  :radbmxsmilie:
**** WANTED: Early black Comp ST's, Mint Black Shotgun 2 or OG Suede Kashi Aero, Titrons, Black-White/White-Black RadKaps. Thank You ****

Offline McQUEEN

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Re: Gave Her a Little Polish Today
« Reply #17 on: October 23, 2016, 08:06 AM »
Great work a story. Going to follow this one!! fistblump
When I was born, the world was a far simpler place.
It was all just cops and robbers.
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Offline deeman

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Re: Gave Her a Little Polish Today
« Reply #18 on: October 23, 2016, 04:02 PM »
WOW! That is some parts list...all the top parts for an 84 freestyler! I managed to bag a pair of those levers for £37 a while back...wish I still had them. This is going to be a really special build   :daumenhoch:

Offline Picklez

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Re: Gave Her a Little Polish Today
« Reply #19 on: October 23, 2016, 05:05 PM »
Thanks guys, much appreciated  :4_17_5:

Still not decided on bars, grips, and seat. Would really love vdc freestyle bars, B2's and a shotgun 11 - I'll just have to see what's about when the funds are flowing again - not that I'm not happy with the options I currently have  :daumenhoch:. I seem to do most my purchasing March through July, then lock down for the rest of the year (family birthday's holidays etc take precedence over the remaining months  :(). Don't get me wrong, I pick up odd bits and pieces throughout the year but the high ticket items have to wait until the right time financially.

Bars wise though I do also have some log bars, just not sure about them for this build. Plus they're white and I think possibly NOS, or at least they look to be. That bing the case I can't bring myself to strip them. The woody's above were already well used so stripping those for chroming didn't bother me.

Anyway will post some updates soon, most the parts have been resto'd so will post a few little retrospective updates etc.

**** WANTED: Early black Comp ST's, Mint Black Shotgun 2 or OG Suede Kashi Aero, Titrons, Black-White/White-Black RadKaps. Thank You ****

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Re: Gave Her a Little Polish Today
« Reply #20 on: October 23, 2016, 08:03 PM »
The Woody bars are lovely Pete....I  would defo stick with them. VDC's are fugly!  :daumenhoch:

Offline McQUEEN

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Re: Gave Her a Little Polish Today
« Reply #21 on: October 25, 2016, 02:26 PM »
The Woody bars are lovely Pete....I  would defo stick with them. VDC's are fugly!  :daumenhoch:
Woody bars all the way - I thought I'd better post that as that's what I've gone with, but in white!!!

This is gonna be a great build, can't wait to see it. The black GHP decals look awesome.

I've seen the Woody VDC recently and the black / chrome is inspirational!!
When I was born, the world was a far simpler place.
It was all just cops and robbers.
And BMX.

Offline Picklez

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Re: Gave Her a Little Polish Today
« Reply #22 on: October 25, 2016, 10:07 PM »
Cheers guys, much appreciated. I'll get the woody's chromed and try them out as she builds up  :daumenhoch:
**** WANTED: Early black Comp ST's, Mint Black Shotgun 2 or OG Suede Kashi Aero, Titrons, Black-White/White-Black RadKaps. Thank You ****

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