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Author Topic: Locking/Closing Threads  (Read 2012 times)

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Offline MartyC

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Locking/Closing Threads
« on: January 15, 2007, 07:09 PM »
Is there a way that threads can be locked or closed from view/further posting?

It seems to me that over the last couple of months there has been a lot of "flaming" and "washing of dirty laundry in public" which is not good for us all and no-one really wants to drag issues out when they are closed and apologies made.  I know the forum is well moderated and not run like some of the other old school sites but we have lost quite a few good and solid members lately through this sort of thing and risk losing a lot more members if things continue the way they are at the moment.

Just a thought  :-\

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Offline oberonspacefruit

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Re: Locking/Closing Threads
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2007, 07:19 PM »
yep. your right. not from view though....that might be seen as a step too far. case in point.
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Re: Locking/Closing Threads
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2007, 07:22 PM »
if people just ignore these sort of threads they soon disappear anyway, but everyone always seems to want to make a comment or two

Offline Rombloke

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Re: Locking/Closing Threads
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2007, 08:30 PM »
heres the sp.....

moderators can lock threads.

however only me bill and orb can delete threads.
marty, you are right tho, we do seem to be losing a few of the old solid members...radhab, jeffspicoli, bren and i got told yesterday that stuntmaster paul has left....

forums by nature of what they are, are usually places where people get the odd flaming, or tempers flare, or opinions aired, but i hope rad aint turning into some kind of unfriendly site, and making the old members step away.....

what we need is an awsome spring and summer meet to let everyone feel the love again

haro, how do you do

Offline aditup2004

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Re: Locking/Closing Threads
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2007, 10:03 PM »
Its gotta be said, there is a lot of Negative Karma on here these days.
Hardly a thread passes by without someone butting in off topic, or generally just taking the pee.
I used to add a LOT of what I thought was constructive posting, but don't bother to much these days cos of all the idiots who enjoy "ripping apart" sensible threads.
I have seriously thought about leaving RAD. I have only been on so much this week as I am stuck in a Hotel room, caring for my wife, who is bed bound here.
I have been messed about by a well establshed member in a sale this week. NOT a newbie.
Where has the respect gone?
I have even had a pm to a moderator totally ignored this week  :wtf:
There needs to be little more interaction, maybe warnings, for the idiots on this site.
This is not meant to be a slagging off, just a bit of (irritated) constructive critisism.

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Re: Locking/Closing Threads
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2007, 10:42 PM »
if you get no joy from mods ad, the admins are always here to help.

mmmm....negativity sucks bellend big time.

any suggestions welcome.....?

haro, how do you do


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Re: Locking/Closing Threads
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2007, 10:44 PM »
24 blister pack of Prozac when you become a site supporter? :-\ :)


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Re: Locking/Closing Threads
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2007, 10:50 PM »
24 blister pack of Prozac when you become a site supporter? :-\ :)

I like the thinking but given the 'generation' on here would a tab of MDMA not be more appropriate  :angel:

Offline lazychubs

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Re: Locking/Closing Threads
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2007, 10:53 PM »
i can delete threads but got so much abuse and stick for doin it i dont bother anymore
so leave that to the owners now lol

Offline aditup2004

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Re: Locking/Closing Threads
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2007, 11:01 PM »
I think a thread "starter" ie, the person who started the thread, should have the ability to delete it.
I tried to do it tonite, as after 1 reply, it had been totally hijacked and p1ss taken.
"Why did I start this topic" I asked myself, and went ot delete it, to no avail.
I know you Guys have a lot to do, but it is getting out of control and very annoying.
I have been a member on here for a longtime, since not long after it started I believe, and I have seen a big change.
It only seem to be the "die hard" members who seem to have any gentlemanly conduct, with exceptions of course.
I am sorry if you think I only post negative thoughts on here, but as I have explained, I am nearly "done" with everything else.


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Re: Locking/Closing Threads
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2007, 11:22 PM »
 :angrysoapbox: Are we Adults ??
I am a "NEWBIE" and this post makes me laugh, should i be banned for thinkin anyone should be able to post on a thread without the threat of up-setting some thread owner ffs i might be outspoken on this and get some harsh post's regarding my cheek at expressing an opinion on someones thread.
But i will take it and still enjoying this great site, so i think a good sense of British humour would'nt go amiss or has our govement taken that as well as free speach ?.
please "LIGHTEN UP"
Paul :Great_Britain:

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Re: Locking/Closing Threads
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2007, 11:24 PM »
I think a thread "starter" ie, the person who started the thread, should have the ability to delete it.

Thought you could "Remove Topic" Button, bottom left at the end of the thread

Bru  :daumenhoch:

i believe bru is right, but im not sure, this is somthing for tricky to look at.

and the 'admin'  that ignored ad was me....'hangs head in shame'.....
ad....a very public appology man.....


haro, how do you do


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Re: Locking/Closing Threads
« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2007, 11:29 PM »
In all honesty I think a lot of this is accepting the typed word can come across bad as no humour etc can be inferred from the tone of delivery as there is none expressed with the written word.  I find typing out a nice 20-30 word rant response then reading it and realising how bad the reaction will be is enough to convince me to hit the delete key n bite me tongue, if someone genuinely wants to be rude it'll come across when your paths cross in the park or on the track n then its crack or be cracked  :LolLolLolLol:

Offline Rombloke

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Re: Locking/Closing Threads
« Reply #13 on: January 15, 2007, 11:50 PM »
hence the public appology bru......

haro, how do you do

Offline dordymush

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Re: Locking/Closing Threads
« Reply #14 on: January 15, 2007, 11:58 PM »
i've been through about 10 pages of pm's incase it was me ad pm'ed  :D.
dave the bmxing gypo

Offline Bob_Acid

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Re: Locking/Closing Threads
« Reply #15 on: January 16, 2007, 02:51 AM »
Why not do what they did at OS and put in a trash talk? That way threads that are going in the wrong direction can be moved away from good stuff and people that do not want to read the crap will not have to.

 I really don't think that, if we did, the topics would get as near to the mark here as the do in America because of the way we regulate ourselves . We have regular meetings which most members attend and as such we know that problems arising from online bravado will eventually be sorted out face to face. Sooner rather than later because the summer/winter meets are such a good laugh, everybody goes and anybody that turns up to one with any thoughts of physical violence in mind just ain't welcome.It's not about to happen though is it? when we get together we're there to ride, look at and chat about bikes, socialize and have some fun. I'm yet to see anybody throw a head butt at one of our meets and I'm rather more likely to see somebody throw a headspin (vinoah, I hope you've been practicing). We regulate ourselves, fisticuffs just ain't going to happen without twenty other geezers stepping in to put a stop to it and if you're mug enough to start or be shouting about it you shouldn't be here. We're adults and we regulate ourselves.

That said I don't see a problem with people having their say from their own point of view and calling out other members for a valid reason to try to resolve an issue. It should not be regarded as a problem, more as an answer to that problem. Which is why I think a trash talk would be a good shout.

We have been seeing a lot of respectable members leaving the fold of late, this to me is a bigger problem and I've put a lot of thought into why it's happening.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2007, 03:41 AM by Bob_Acid »


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Re: Locking/Closing Threads
« Reply #16 on: January 16, 2007, 07:42 AM »
 :4_17_5: FOR BOB AND HIS SPOT ON THREAD !!!! :daumenhoch:
PAUL :Great_Britain:

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Re: Locking/Closing Threads
« Reply #17 on: January 16, 2007, 08:05 AM »
I'm yet to see anybody throw a head butt at one of our meets and I'm rather more likely to see somebody throw a headspin

beautiful bob, just beautiful, you are a true wordsmith.....pmsl
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Offline oberonspacefruit

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Re: Locking/Closing Threads
« Reply #18 on: January 16, 2007, 08:10 AM »
paul (stuntmaster) is a good guy, but has talked about leaving several times, i just dont think he like some of the vibes. (fair enough)

bren, I think it might have been me that upset him for not selling him a stem, but maybe not.

Radhab is always leaving, he just needs a cool off every now and then....

jeff has left to get on with his work for his home economics gcse.

thats just my take on the matter.
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Offline RATTY

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Re: Locking/Closing Threads
« Reply #19 on: January 16, 2007, 11:04 AM »
I hope the old guys sort out their qualms with the site, a few valuable people have left recently, perhaps we should restrict piss taking to random and then leave the rest of the site for sensible postings :daumenhoch:
A long time ago, in a land far away!

Offline aditup2004

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Re: Locking/Closing Threads
« Reply #20 on: January 16, 2007, 11:22 AM »
I hope the old guys sort out their qualms with the site, a few valuable people have left recently, perhaps we should restrict piss taking to random and then leave the rest of the site for sensible postings :daumenhoch:


Offline MartyC

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Re: Locking/Closing Threads
« Reply #21 on: January 16, 2007, 12:48 PM »
I hope the old guys sort out their qualms with the site, a few valuable people have left recently, perhaps we should restrict piss taking to random and then leave the rest of the site for sensible postings :daumenhoch:

Good call  :daumenhoch:

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Re: Locking/Closing Threads
« Reply #22 on: January 16, 2007, 01:05 PM »
To be honest, if I don't have anything positive to say... I don't say it!!

There's far too much negativity in the world without bitching on here as well. My vote's for a happy world!  :daumenhoch:

Offline dordymush

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Re: Locking/Closing Threads
« Reply #23 on: January 16, 2007, 01:23 PM »
i noticed this a fair bit of late myself.
usually in the for sale or wanted sections.
a thread will start with a part for sale or needed and by the end of it there will be 3 pages of shite and whoever started the thread at the begining is no further foward.
dave the bmxing gypo


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Re: Locking/Closing Threads
« Reply #24 on: January 16, 2007, 02:58 PM »
Why not do what they did at OS and put in a trash talk? That way threads that are going in the wrong direction can be moved away from good stuff and people that do not want to read the crap will not have to.

 I really don't think that, if we did, the topics would get as near to the mark here as the do in America because of the way we regulate ourselves . We have regular meetings which most members attend and as such we know that problems arising from online bravado will eventually be sorted out face to face. Sooner rather than later because the summer/winter meets are such a good laugh, everybody goes and anybody that turns up to one with any thoughts of physical violence in mind just ain't welcome.It's not about to happen though is it? when we get together we're there to ride, look at and chat about bikes, socialize and have some fun. I'm yet to see anybody throw a head butt at one of our meets and I'm rather more likely to see somebody throw a headspin (vinoah, I hope you've been practicing). We regulate ourselves, fisticuffs just ain't going to happen without twenty other geezers stepping in to put a stop to it and if you're mug enough to start or be shouting about it you shouldn't be here. We're adults and we regulate ourselves.

That said I don't see a problem with people having their say from their own point of view and calling out other members for a valid reason to try to resolve an issue. It should not be regarded as a problem, more as an answer to that problem. Which is why I think a trash talk would be a good shout.

We have been seeing a lot of respectable members leaving the fold of late, this to me is a bigger problem and I've put a lot of thought into why it's happening.
Good call

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