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RADBMX.CO.UK  |  Mid School BMX (>87) 1989 to 2003 (<05)  |  Mid School ( Keep the faith )  |  Anyone else ride any of the Carve Jams????

Author Topic: Anyone else ride any of the Carve Jams????  (Read 1552 times)

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Anyone else ride any of the Carve Jams????
« on: January 23, 2007, 10:48 PM »
Loads of members now riding over different periods of timebut , did anyone else here ride any of the Sheffield mobs jams @ Sheffield including the Secret church event and the Carve Nottingham jam @ Broad Marsh Banks and the School with the huge bank to wall and the brick pits.

Not spoken to anyone about this for years and am beguinning to think I dreamt it all.......


Pics and video would be ace

Offline Wayne Ryder

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Re: Anyone else ride any of the Carve Jams????
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2007, 11:33 PM »
The Carve Jam...
Not sure, but I think I went to that one on the Sunday with Chris Hardy & Sean Allison. Maybe just Chris?
Got to the shop and pratted around on the ramp awhile, there was a guy about 15 on an FST getting a few feet out the top of it. Bloody impressive.
Amazing to remember this after so long. Angry might be able to shed more light on this, I didn't really know him at the time but I'm sure he was there for the Saturday sesh & booze.
I think people stayed overnight on and around the ramp, there were some shady tales of alcohol & vomit. Seem to remember spending the day trying to track people down as they scattered around to find riding spots.
The Banks were good to see in the flesh, think John Yull was there. Ross Marshall, too.
Of course, all this could be a collection of muddled memories. I know I met Ross and spoke to him a couple of times, at Alfreton and Rom; seems unlikely I'd not see him at Notts.

I was at the Sheffield one, the day of the Hillsborough disaster. Didn't know a thing about it till I got home that night.
The Death Box crew were there, one of them aired onto the street course off the halfpipe. Mr Brown pulled a cancan wallride and got the pic of it in RAD.
Slade pulled a 540 and nobody saw it. I think he was sort of stoked and slightly annoyed at the same time.
Good day, went back to the ramp a couple of times after the jam to skate (easier to get the board onto the bus).

RADBMX.CO.UK  |  Mid School BMX (>87) 1989 to 2003 (<05)  |  Mid School ( Keep the faith )  |  Anyone else ride any of the Carve Jams????

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