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here's the scoop on bar positionif you rode your bike as a get-to-school machine, you would set them a bit forward. and run a lay back seatpost so the bike was some sort of easy rider. it was the fashion back then.if you were a freestyler, you would set the bars pretty much upright, for controlas frames got longer in the 90's bars started coming backwith the dirt jumping craze, the bars were mounted a bit back, so you didnt go over the front when you were nose diving the 8 pack.having the bars forwards made the bike easier to endo, bitd. when you were doing the trick without any skill, just hairing along and hitting the brake and hoping for the bestburner bars: they are always forwards, because of the rake on the bars. their awful 70's design means that you have to have them tipped over so that the grips are above the headtube. if you have them upright it would be like riding a wheelbarrow.ronnie remo always rode with his bars tipped a bit forwards, flying in the face of fashion during the 90's. he like them like that! personal preferencethat's the 411
vertical,with the seat slightly forward to get my ass over the back end doing endo's.even now on my new school it's the same.but i am a short a*se.priv