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Author Topic: Seperate part of RAD for adult contect conversation and images.  (Read 6151 times)

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I dont let Izy go on rad anymore because of some of the links that are put on, peoples avatars etc which seems a shame given how into BMX he is.

I understand that people want to talk about these things or share links etc but could this not be contained in a specific thread which can have access restricted in some way like other sites do?

Warnings are not always given when people start threads but then again sometimes the topic changes and other things get added so sometimes thngs come up on screen that you dont really want the kids to see if they come in the same room as you.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2006, 10:26 PM by Miss Boo »


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Re: Seperate part of RAD for porn.
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2006, 02:17 PM »
doesn't seem unreasonable to me, think about the kids, no swear box though please, can't afford that!!!

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Re: Seperate part of RAD for porn.
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2006, 06:03 PM »
it has been getting a bit close to the mark lately, perhaps just a voluntary toning down should be in order  :daumenhoch:
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Re: Seperate part of RAD for porn.
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2006, 06:12 PM »
The only way that we know if things are getting too near the mark is if you report the threads to the moderators, and we`ve not had any complaints so nothing has been deleted or said  ???

However we will do our best to keep every one happy  :daumenhoch:
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Re: Seperate part of RAD for porn.
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2006, 07:21 PM »
The only way that we know if things are getting too near the mark is if you report the threads to the moderators, and we`ve not had any complaints so nothing has been deleted or said  ???

However we will do our best to keep every one happy  :daumenhoch:
Your right Bill, we dont think about the threads until the issue is raised, so unlikely to be reported to the mods, I think we can all play the game and tone it down  :daumenhoch:
After all a few of usl have kids coming on here
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Re: Seperate part of RAD for porn.
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2006, 08:27 PM »
ive had loads of complaints about that thread. there should be a seperate section for that stuff. i dont mind people expressing themselves, but porn is easy enough to find anywhere else on the net, so lets not introduce it to this forum.
 sometimes people forget that this s a family thing.

just my 2p worth, but is it really nescessary to see this stuff? its an old skool bmx site after all...
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Re: Seperate part of RAD for porn.
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2006, 08:29 PM »
i said thia last year have a adult bit pasword protected but was told it was a stupid idea
and a waste of bandwidth
same as vzi have
only moderators or site owners know it and give it to peeps over 18

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Re: Seperate part of RAD for porn.
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2006, 08:32 PM »
i remember you saying it rhys.

it slips by cos its not a lot.

but i for one am not keen on it on tihs site...just my opinion.
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Re: Seperate part of RAD for porn.
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2006, 08:35 PM »
We`ll just have to tone it down a bit  :-[
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Re: Seperate part of RAD for porn.
« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2006, 08:45 PM »
ok lets agree to do that, i dont want censorship by any means, you know how ridiculous i can be on site, but i think this stuff is a bit uneccesary. in fact i cringe when i see it, cos i know that it is alienating more people than it is drawing into the site.

we dont need all this stuff, if you want it, its piss easy to find, so get it elsewhere.
just cos its mostly middle aged men who use this site, it seems that we need to go whooooaa!!! look at that pair etc, which is fun dont ge me wrong, but i think there are other forums you can frequent if youwant that kind of stuff.
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Re: Seperate part of RAD for porn.
« Reply #10 on: December 01, 2006, 10:41 PM »
its not censorship just a bit kids cant get in
works for the vw site .its the same as the rude things on msn i get sent my kids see em as im not always about
or emails that me father inlaw see when a certain memebr sent me stuff lol


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Re: Seperate part of RAD for porn.
« Reply #11 on: December 01, 2006, 11:05 PM »
everyone knows where to find porn on the net

it just doesnt need to be on a bmx forum. full stop.


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Re: Seperate part of RAD for porn.
« Reply #12 on: December 02, 2006, 12:19 AM »
i agree with the majority here. this is a bmx site site, so should be about bmx... simple really.

i know we have a random section which people post various things like jokes, help wanted about other things etc, but people should know when to draw the line. even though it is an old school site, there are a lot of young members on here. i don't want their parents stopping them from using the site unnecessarily.

so i suggest that everyone tones it down a bit and if anyone oversteps the mark, then hopefully the moderators can step in quickly with a quiet word and maybe a temporary ban for repeat offenders....

i'm sure the owners of the site don't want to restrict what people post and act all school teacher like, but that will only happen if everyone on here abides to the unwritten rules of the site.

Offline RATTY

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Re: Seperate part of RAD for porn.
« Reply #13 on: December 02, 2006, 10:43 AM »
how about a global pm from billy or dave to remind all the members that the site is used by all ages, and to consider if their postings will be suitable for younger members!
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Re: Seperate part of RAD for porn.
« Reply #14 on: December 02, 2006, 11:10 AM »
how about a global pm from billy or dave to remind all the members that the site is used by all ages, and to consider if their postings will be suitable for younger members!

That would make sense...

I really don't mind seeing this stuff though.  :LolLolLolLol:


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Re: Seperate part of RAD for porn.
« Reply #15 on: December 02, 2006, 11:35 AM »
how about a global pm from billy or dave to remind all the members that the site is used by all ages, and to consider if their postings will be suitable for younger members!

That would make sense...

I really don't mind seeing this stuff though.  :LolLolLolLol:

I fully agree with this there is always other places to find the other stuff but this site should be suitable for all ages (In my opinion)


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Re: Seperate part of RAD for porn.
« Reply #16 on: December 02, 2006, 01:56 PM »
to be honest i disagree!
although i dont think we should allow porn on the site (even though ive not seen any on here)
i do think of this place as an abult site,and i really dont think there is much here for kids to be interested in.
ok theres the odd photo or video for them to look at,but are kids interested in dyeing seats or identifying a 1980's twin top tube frame.i think not!
ok so there are plenty of adult porn sites out there but there are also more interesting sites for kids.
this site is for like minded adults.i use this site to comunicate to other like minded adults about old bikes and life in general.
i do not like the fact that any youngsters could register and post on here,for me they have no place.
if you want to open a separate section for adults only then i agree lets do that.
they atleast we can talk to each other as we would in person or on msn :LolLolLolLol:

just my opinion really!


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Re: Seperate part of RAD for porn.
« Reply #17 on: December 02, 2006, 03:03 PM »

While the site may well be primarily an adult site it is also a family site.

Just look at the pics from CIN cruise to see the number of kids that came along too. Think about how many adults have returned to BMX when thinking about what first bike to get their kids (I know Mr Fruit did!). People on here with kids regularly post up pic of builds they finished for their kids and other half as well as their own (good excuse to collect more bikes too!). Members put pics up of new babies and everyone is talking about how soon they can get them on a mini bmx etc.

I think this site does have a lot to offer kids who are into or just getting into BMX (new school or old school). I know Izy has scanned for sale when he has had a bit of cash to spend and the museum when deciding what colour scheme he wants next on one of his bikes.  There are a lot of other sites on the net just for kids but I dont know any other ones for BMX which they can get advice from, encouragement, share their builds with, meet their mums and dads friends, go on meets with etc etc.

Izaak is 12 tomorrow and has just set off on his bike to the train station with his dad because he wouldn't miss Epic for anything and is looking forward to seeing everyone.

I appreciate that members without kids might not see the advantages of having kids involved or on site but in years to come they will represent an excuse to have double the number of bikes in their sheds! ;D
The Radbmx community is a family community it seems to me and always welcomes new members and encourages young people to get into BMX and come along to events.

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Re: Seperate part of RAD for porn.
« Reply #18 on: December 02, 2006, 03:28 PM »

Yep, I'm with most of the porn for other sites.

Rad is about BMX and other harmless past-times - it should stay that way.

Plus, it gives Fuzzynod heart problems...he's old you know.


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Re: Seperate part of RAD for porn.
« Reply #19 on: December 03, 2006, 08:35 AM »
i know i'm one of the people who posted a Britney Clout link  :-[

But in my defence there were already at least 3 crap links to the pics anyway, i was just helping my buds out  :angel:

i love porn but yeah TBH we don't need a dedicated porn section, but we do need to see some mildly smutty stuff from time to time, we're blokes after all  :daumenhoch:


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Re: Seperate part of RAD for porn.
« Reply #20 on: December 03, 2006, 10:12 AM »
i know i'm one of the people who posted a Britney Clout link  :-[

But in my defence there were already at least 3 crap links to the pics anyway, i was just helping my buds out  :angel:

i love porn but yeah TBH we don't need a dedicated porn section, but we do need to see some mildly smutty stuff from time to time, we're blokes after all  :daumenhoch:

no i dont think there should be a porn section,but i think there should be an adult section.
i want to swear i like it,i want to see pics of naked women i want to read smutty jokes.
if any of you think of the britney pics as porn you need to get a life.
if you go to the vintage skate site you can do and say what you like,no holds barred.
im sick of deing politically correct,because a child may be present.
and yes i have a child of my own,and another on the way!
« Last Edit: December 03, 2006, 10:24 AM by winnit93 »


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Re: Seperate part of RAD for porn.
« Reply #21 on: December 03, 2006, 10:03 PM »

'if any of you think of the britney pics as porn you need to get a life.'

Pornography definition: Depiction of erotic behaviour or images intended to cause sexual excitement.

I imagine pictures of Britney Spears vagina would fall under this definition whether or not they have the intended effect.  Cambridge Encyclopedia editors clearly need to get a life :)


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Re: Seperate part of RAD for porn.
« Reply #22 on: December 03, 2006, 10:28 PM »

'if any of you think of the britney pics as porn you need to get a life.'

Pornography definition: Depiction of erotic behaviour or images intended to cause sexual excitement.

I imagine pictures of Britney Spears vagina would fall under this definition whether or not they have the intended effect.  Cambridge Encyclopedia editors clearly need to get a life :)

that definetly isnt erotic dehaviour and in no way causes sexual excitement. :-\

anyway that isnt the point!

its time for a new section on rad so we dont have to watch our p's a Q's.

if you go on msn with the rad crew at any time there is plenty sexual stuff fired about and plenty swearing,and thats with admin :LolLolLolLol:

let's open a section here so we can talk about the stuff we really want to.



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Re: Seperate part of RAD for porn.
« Reply #23 on: December 04, 2006, 09:41 PM »
I must admit she does nothing for me ;) ;D

will the private room have seedy music and a dim lighting?


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Re: Seperate part of RAD for porn.
« Reply #24 on: December 04, 2006, 10:09 PM »
hell yeah n stained crushed velvet a plenty  :2funny:

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