I am 99% sure I never got around to posting pics of this. Mostly because from the moment I got back I was stupid busy, and all winter I have pretty much been the same. My uncle was diagnosed with terminal cancer late last year, so that took priority. Sadly he died a couple of weeks ago so yeah, head has been all over the place.
Any way, as I mentioned before I went I was off on holiday and I made sure to put some new parts on my Kizz before I went.

I rented a huge great apartment at a hotel sort of thing. I used to go to a place about 15 miles away, but their prices are utterly ridiculous now for a caravan that stinks like dogs. This place was out of this world. Walk in shower, huge beds, TVs in every room and a full sized kitchen.

It's in Mudeford down near Christchurch etc. Absolutely beautiful place, my favourite on earth tbh. And I been a lot of places too. Get dressed in your mid school attire

I had lost nearly 4 stone there. Have lost a total of 5 now ! Off we ride.

Stop for a pose.


And ride. A lot.

By this time the weather was playing peekaboo. It wasn't cold, but the threat of rain was about.

Which kinda sucked, because I wanted to get the ferry over to the wee island and ride around that.

You can see what I mean there. One minute sunny, next minute dark. So I scrapped that idea, because once you get over there you're screwed

So I rode around the harbour for a bit.

And then headed back the other way. The sun then broke out, so I rode a couple miles down the path.

It then started to piss down, so I went back.
Day three (I could barely walk on day two

) and my pal picked me up and we went for lunch.

A real treat. There isn't one down my end, so the last time I had it was in 2007 when I was still in the USA.

Mmm, taco bowel. Christchurch.

We then headed back, where I took a humongous dump. What they say is totally true

The next day the weather was even better. So, again I met up with a couple of mates and we did some sight seeing.

IOW over to the left there.

Another killer day. Took the next one to do more riding and etc. Then on the last day it got really cold. So we went out for a Thai and beer etc.

All in all the best holiday I have had since I was a kid.