The decal that caused ten hours of pain. When I fitted the original one I wasn't prepared for what a total slag it would be. Like, to line it up, then get it on without any creases. You have to start mid way under the tube. So it wasn't straight, was too wide and overlapped, and etc. I tried to save it but it was fooked.
When I peeled it off it removed a ton of paint, which took me 10 hours to fix. I was still out in the garden painting at 10:30 pm on Thursday.
Taking a break from painting now. Have loads to do on my STA, so that will come next (and a stem swap on the T1, which is all primed and ready to paint).
But yeah, no painting for a while now. What could go wrong has gone wrong twice in a row and I don't fancy sticking around for part 3. It will soon be too hot for any of that, so I want to enjoy some of the hard work now.