I ride on days where I feel like it. And can do it. I've got arthritis in most of my joints, so some days I can't even pick the bike up let alone ride it. As I say though, good days and bad days.
I still ride my cruiser? sorta bike a lot during summer months as I live on the beach and there's a beach path that extends for about 4 miles. So you may catch me flying up and down that on my PK fixed not fixed.
The problem for me is I can't seem to accept I am not in my 20s any more. On most things. Like, I live 7 floors up and usually come up the stairs like a bat out of hell and then can't breathe

So mostly it's damage limitation now. Every time I get on a 20 I end up doing something really stupid and getting hurt. Even on my last ride a couple of weeks ago I tried jumping a big grass mound. I don't even think I got off the ground and ended up feeling like a right pillock.
I can see why rock stars all sing about not wanting to get old now.