If you want anything even so much as approaching a custom finish you need to give the paint lots of time to fully cure.
It depends on what you are painting with, but some of the acrylic paints I have used can take up to 2-3 weeks to go hard. Rattle can laquer? may never go fully hard that is why I try to avoid using it where I can.
I painted my bars and fork over a week ago and when I fitted the grips to the bars 2 days back the hair laquer I used to get them on literally turned the paint back to wet. I made a right old mess with that.
I am going to do a full custom paint job soon on my 2hip, and I expect it to take about 2 months with all of the fully hardening time etc. Sadly unless you go 2k there is just no way to get a full cure any faster. You can use an oven or hair dryer but yeah, full cure takes ages. I did a full tutorial here
https://bmxmuseum.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=799138But I was ripped off because none of it was 2k. They just lie. Unless it has an activator button under it? it ain't 2k.
Don't get me wrong it came out really beautiful, but the paint is as soft as a pensioner's turd. I consider myself to be very good at painting. Like, getting on even coats, no runs or sags or anything else but yeah, rattle cans leave a lot to be desired.
Even an epoxy primer for example is like concrete compared to the crap that comes out of a can.