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Author Topic: Last of this year. 2Hip Root Down  (Read 5142 times)

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Offline Midschoolfool

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Last of this year. 2Hip Root Down
« on: August 10, 2020, 09:01 PM »
OK so a 2hip was on my hit list. Soul maybe? or a Pork. I don't like the DTT frames, especially the heavier ones. I know, blasphemy etc. What I ended up with was something I had never seen before, or even heard of. I was poking around on the bay one night about 6 months back (as you do) and this popped up.

I had never heard of it. Convinced it was fake I asked my buddy about it. He says "Yeah, their first complete, if it's an 03 it's basically a Soul with every so slightly different drops". Then I noticed this.

Yup, definitely not a Soul but practically identical.

So I bought it for 90 quid with a headset and fork. Stuck it in the loft, figured I would get to it later. Oh if only I had known what a bloody cool frame this would turn out to be. I found it on 2hip's site, it's a Root Down alright.

The parts on it were a bit poo. I suppose you couldn't ask much with the frame being decent and all. So I will lose no sleep over doing this better than it would have been originally. Now for how embarrassed I feel lol. I didn't get the name. Why the F would you call a bike that? it makes no sense. All of this time of course there was a loud WHOOSH as it was going over my head. I should have immediately remembered it, as I loved the tune.

That is why it is called a Root Down, because it is named after the tune and EP by the Beastie Boys, who I love. Intergalactic is one of the best tunes ever made by any one. OK, so screw it let's do a full blown tribute.

I had picked the colour about six years ago. See, I am also into building/modifying/winning competitions for PC modding and so on. So I saw this when the wrap was the in thing.

And was all like "Holy shit that's a nice friggin colour !" but I never found a use for it anywhere. Until now. I won't go into how I am going to get that colour out of a paint can yet, as I can do that when I order it all at the end of the week. For right now it was time to actually sit down and create the decals for the bike, given that I am finally breaking the shackles and doing a 100% custom bike with custom decals (drawn, printed and cut by my own hands !). So I hit the drawing board, given it had cooled down some today.

I wanted them to look like a bill poster you would see slapped on a wall somewhere. If that makes sense? it does to me.

Going to be a slower burner this one. Slower than my usual any way. I will print the decals later, once I am sure there are no more small ones I want etc.

Offline Midschoolfool

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Re: Last of this year. 2Hip Root Down
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2020, 03:27 PM »

Decals are ready.

Offline BMX1973

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Re: Last of this year. 2Hip Root Down
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2020, 11:54 AM »
Looking forward to seeing this complete.  8)

Offline Midschoolfool

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Re: Last of this year. 2Hip Root Down
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2020, 11:45 PM »
Not sure it will happen this year now :(

I had to go home to sort out a F ton of stuff, then realised my NAS is overflowing (which crashed it, and caused me about 30 hours of grief). I need a server, and me being me I can't just buy one I have to make it myself using a chassis that is almost impossible to mod. And it's important, because I have two computers sitting there with GBs of data on I can't access and have no other way to transfer it to my new PC (it wouldn't fit any way, given it's all NVME).

I did get some parts in though. I have pretty much everything I need now.

Which match the decals perfectly.

Which don't. I figured they were shot under a really bright light, but the colour is different. TBH? I don't really care. Sure sat together they look different but not sure it will matter once on the bike. No doubt the paint will be a different shade also.

I'm just running out of time to do this stuff this year. Got an absolute shed load on for pretty much all of September (I reckon I can finish the Fat Boy though) and yeah, this one may have to wait until next Spring. Which is annoying, given it's only literally a F&F spray job, but that is the only thing I can not do in winter. The winds down here are a joke lol.

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