Hi there , As some of you know I moved to Dubai 7 years ago and have been out of touch with BMX. I do skate vert a lot and street BMX a fair bit. I spoke with Alan Woods recently and he thinks it would be a good idea to reunite the Torker team. I love it and Terry seems keen too. I can still do most of my old tricks even though I'm not as smooth as I was

Like I was ever smooth. I hear we are getting some Torkers built up the same spec as our 84 bikes and allan has the original prints for our Torker tops. I am really looking forward to this event as I went to the first one in Warrington and even rode with Pepi again. Feel free to follow me and my son on insta preston_ramone_irwin I will follow you back. Also another hero of mine apart from TJ has said he's up for it to Andy Preston. I'm going to start practicing as soon as it cools down out here and pics will be posted. Can't wait to meet up with people I have talked to online for over a decade and never met. See you at MK20 Radsters.