Great news that you’re on board dude , are you back on track with your business after the blaze ?
Looking forward to seeing you and the crew , are you bringing more T-shirts ? If so be sure to pack some big man size as I’ve not gotten any thinner since last year !
P.s bring more of the purple tie dye ones if possible as my girl looks double fit in hers 
Yes mate, we are very nearly back up to speed with the business, new premises and tools are sorted. in terms of work deadlines and commitments etc we should be all done and dusted by July 31st which will mean 13 months of 7 days a week. I'm planning to do as little as humanly possible during the month of August as I'm knackered... MK excepted of course. From that point onward, we'll be back on a level playing field.
If you can be arsed to sit through it, check this out;, we'll have some shirts at MK, in both white and black. No tie dye ones I'm afraid though.
See you there