It's become apparent that my pockets aren't deep enough to buy the wheels I need for my build. It doesn't help that I'm stupidly going for nos or minty early 80's bits. So I should be looking for 20 X 1.75 Ukai Powerbite rims ( never seen them) with Suzue sealed hubs, I'm thinking about buying the Suzue hubs (maybe loose ball) and a pair of Ukai Z2 20x 1 1/8 rims and having them built. From what I've read, they are OK for mini, junior and expert frames. My build is the Procraft Ultima 20, so they would work, I think. Have any of you guys dropped rim size like this ? Are there any problems to think about ie brake compatibility (I'm going with DC MX 1000 copies) ? Will they look silly, too skinny ? I could just slap some new tuff II's on but I wanna do it right. Your opinions and thoughts as usual very much welcome. Thanks.