Most memorable logos for me were
HARO - Blue and white T's and Race/freestyle pants

SKYWAY - red white and blue

OAKLEY & VANS are cool too, but came later for me
Never seen or heard of any of the following:
S&M ( Sounds a bit gimp )
Dig Sprocket
Metal Bikes
Club Home Boy
Jag BMX? - In early 80's i did meet a kid with a new Jaguar (Cars) BMX, full blinged out chrome sparkled in the sun, full aluminium inc wheels, just got it for his birthday, he did a big jump and landed perfectly and the thing just folded like a wet paper bag under him. Explains why ive never seen another since.
DG BMX - they were really trying to sell those bars in 79?
Panda BMX - lol buy this and you will get laid
Araya - looks like an airline from an early Bond film
Little Devil
Terrible One
Jive Handles
Fly Bikes
Zap Pads
Elina Lightning Bolt? i had a seat with bolt like that on, it came with my redline , i took it off and threw it in the bin along with the bent crossbar wrist snapping bars, didnt think anyone would even want to buy them.
Pacific Palms - is that a girl or a boy? honestly cant tell
Race Inc.
Cycle Craft
So 25 out of 50 never heard of em