Been a busy bee so a quick update..
Had a nice rider set of DX’s off Damo but unfortunately the wrong colour and 1/2 spindle size.

I had 9/16 spindle set left over from a swop out Set Dx’s previously for my Haro Sport build , but if you are ever stuck , the shimano SX pedals spindle are the same and do the job.

There was a few gold Dx sets available but ..
Some was advertising NOS, well personally some was battered.
Up close the condition of some was very poor with lots of shelf ware, but being a rider I couldn’t justify paying for a NOS set , plus I reckon a little bit of effort I could do better ..
When I removed the caps on close inspection they was gold originally..

The next issue was getting the correct colour gold .
I bought 6 cans with variable shades of gold , which to be honest one can was nothing like it’s colour-way advertised on the tin..

This above spray Rust-Oleum Metallic brilliant finish colour was shocking and a waste of money looks nothing like the shiny cap so I would avoid this product.
The above pic is what it looks like when painted.
I use it now as a base coat as a shame to waste.
I highly recommend the KT products, do a great job and the colours are spot on and great finish especially the 185 has metallic flakes in the finish , sort of gives you that anno look.
This NOS set below I used as a guide to obtain a match.

I had an old seat clamp which I used as a colour guide .
I must have spray painted this part 8 times till I got the correct colour..

Till I finally got the correct colour gold funny enough it was actually called gold no. 183
It doesn’t look the same colour in the pic due too the lighting but it was spot on..

Did a very light refurb removing all the scuffs .

All prep for spaying..
Self etch primer three coats in total.

Then the Gold 183 five coats later..
Then three coats of lacquer.
Job done.

Compared too this NOS sets I have seen I think they are spot on match ( some sets I have seen have been much darker see pic below with box the pagoda colour spray 184 is spot on but prefer the lighter colour)

Next was the Tuf neck seat clamp and skyway pro pads Finns, I had from my stash.
The Tuf neck clamp was NOS from Dave ( Brummie) as always both parts the wrong colour.

All prep again with a light key of wet and dry before applying self etching primer..

Then using this colour sparkling gold 185 ( great product again pics don’t do it justice )

Again 5 coats , 3 coats lacquer.

Up next the Tuf neck chainwheel and power disc
And Tuf neck stem.
I used the same colour paint for all three parts.

Again all marks removed then a light key for etch primer ..

Pre heated oven then placed inside to cure..

The pics don’t do them justice but they are spot on match.
Gt standers and cranks to follow as one set at the chromers.