Just finished refurbishing a set of pro class rims , but the rim tape was passed it.
I thought I try a bit of diy and ordered this tape..
They do many colours but decided on foil mirror tape.
These are Only £4.50 as opposed too $40 bucks and import duties.
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Silver-Mirror-Tape-Self-Adhesive-Hoop-Tape-Lures-20mm-wide-x-10m-long/292264417158'ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649It comes in 20mm widths .
Cut off 140cm length then trim the width down too 15mm.
This stuff has an adhesive white backing which you peel off but I left it on .
I cut a 20 cm strip removed the backing and attached too the back .
This held in place the tape and slowly placed it around the rim with a bit of tension.
Then cut to size and used the 20cm strip to attach together..
Then a sharp pencil for the hole for the tube..
Then some rim tape to be extra safe just in case it pops through..
On the front rim I didn’t use this rubber rim tape , this time I did the above but cut x2 sections trimmed again too 15mm.
Did the above again without removing the white backing and fitted the mirror section to the rim..
The second strip removed the backing and attached to give it extra support.
When fully inflated it sits firmly in place with that bubble effect.