It has to be people that see my/your bikes on social media and instantly assume that they are for sale.
I had one guy on Insta trying to buy my Torker for his pal, he asked how much I wanted for it. I said that I didn’t remember putting it up for sale. He completely missed my sarcasm and continued to say that his mate had loads of money and I could name my price. Again, I used a bit more sarcasm and again this guy remained undeterred. In the end I PM’d the guy and explained how I wasn’t a big fan of people that A) feel that it’s acceptable to just jump in and ask how much I’d sell a bike for; and B) people that can’t be arsed sourcing parts and building their own bikes, and think that just because they’ve got a heavy wallet, that everything is for sale.
The guy on Instagram messaged me back and basically (I can’t rememver word for word) said that I was selfish and arrogant as he’d been a follower of mine for some time and had liked my posts but I hadn’t followed him back or interacted with him.

I think this ice reaction of mine stems from when that lad from the North Wales group first messaged me pretending that he was wet behind the ears and didn’t know how much stuff was worth so threw some ridiculous low ball prices at my completes, even though they weren’t for sale.