Looks a tidy build fella but I'd loose the skyway seat? cant see the relevance?? and theres loadsa cheap mx type seats for sale on egay 
Coming back to this. Had some time to think about it last night.. The wheels are Skyway, the grips are Skyway, the brake pads are Skyway. Hence I thought the seat would go nicely with the other parts. I don't want this original because the one thing I don't like about the original is the seat. I never liked them then either. If I had all of the original parts I would deffo for sure use the seat but once again like all of my other bikes it just won't happen. The only plastic seat I would fit on there is a pink hot seat and I suspect it will take me a long time to source one of those.
Any way I searched the box over and over but the rotor was missing. Which is annoying, because the whole frame is designed around it. So I thought quick and realised that he had included the entire crank that had been all powder coated. So thinking fast I carefully removed the arms and put them up for sale. I guess anything Hutch sells fast, because the arms flew out within about ten seconds. Which after postage paid for a NOS rotor ! so all is well that ends well.

And here is where I am up to. I had to order a new nut and bolt for the seat clamp, the tubes came, the chain came and so on. Headset should arrive on Monday, with the rotor not far behind it. Sadly the stem quill is toast so I gotta paint that silver but that's no major biggy. I need to paint the stem bolts also, so I will just do that together.

Oh yeah, the fork stander bolts are bent to feck too. Thankfully because I live down here in West Sussex I have two blacksmiths within about a mile of my place so I will ride down and get them straightened. Rocking horse shit is putting it mildly.