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RadBmx / bmx scene
« on: January 06, 2018, 11:13 AM »
So................ been back on this site after a long long break and it's damn quiet. When I was originally on here. Every day someone posted a new restoration and there was always lots to sell. Most of the big hitters on here are no more. The only ones I recognise are Sawsall and Gashhead.

So what happened and why did it go so quiet? Has the bottom fallen out of the market place or is there no more parts for build?

Offline That Swan Guy

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Re: RadBmx / bmx scene
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2018, 11:18 AM »
The site suffered a massive collapse and folk migrated to Facebook. Trying to get them back is s long slow process but it’s slowly happening. Having people post like you is a big help too. Not many are building either. Just look at the numbers in BOTM.

The big boys are still out there, sleeping lol
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Offline Retrodan72

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Re: RadBmx / bmx scene
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2018, 11:22 AM »
The hardcore are still here mate and although some of us lose the love from time to time, we always return to the forum, like homing pigeons.

It is quiet in here, it's like Morrisey's stag night in here some days, but it is more quality than quantity.

As for prices, can't really say I've  noticed but then again I don't tend to opt for high end stuff and I'm not building as much as I did 2 or 3 years ago. It's mainly down to chancers on FB groups and eBay that aren't really interested in the hobby but purely just to make a few quid. There's a lot of people sitting on a lot of parts waiting for the right time to sell.


Offline chrisv39

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Re: RadBmx / bmx scene
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2018, 03:47 PM »
It is quiet on here at the moment but as Dan says I’d rather have quality than quantity. The bmx factor had me trawling through the archives for days and days discovering bikes I’d never seen before, same  with the tech and resto section I can look back through there and find a great thread I haven’t come across before learning something in the process. I’ll take that over “Chainring Saturday” any day!

Offline stevesredvxr

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Re: RadBmx / bmx scene
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2018, 04:29 PM »
Facebook happened that's what caused it....

Like it or loathe it, it was much easier to post and attach pictures.
Many people jumped on it when the RAD site crashed too and needed their bmx fix.....myself included.

Ive actually come off Facebook because I was sick to death of checking in every spare second of the day. Although some of the bmx groups
were decent, most were full of idiots who are more interested in making money than making a decent build. Nevertheless I made some good bmx buddies on their too, some that will no doubt be a part of my life even when the bikes have long gone.

Keep posting and logging in and RAD will be around for a long time yet.

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Re: RadBmx / bmx scene
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2018, 04:45 PM »
It is quiet on here at the moment but as Dan says I’d rather have quality than quantity. The bmx factor had me trawling through the archives for days and days discovering bikes I’d never seen before, same  with the tech and resto section I can look back through there and find a great thread I haven’t come across before learning something in the process. I’ll take that over “Chainring Saturday” any day!

Shoulda give em a bump... always good to read through some of the old tech & resto threads. There's been some awesome resto work done by Radsters over the years.  :4_17_5:
"Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time"


Offline Andyboy77

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Re: RadBmx / bmx scene
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2018, 05:59 PM »
It is 2018 now, I think that shouldn't be overlooked too. Life isn't static, it is a dynamic process and so is the scene. Of course things aren't today what they used to be 5 years back, but 5 years ago things weren't what they used to be 10 years back either. It might be a shame, but what about looking at that we have instead of regreting what isn't anymore.?.
We have the best knowledge base, amazingly skilled radsters in all regards, the highest standards in terms of builds, restos and most importantly the highest quality of people on here.
Yes, facebook had a massive impact on this sites traffic and other regards. But I'm very much convinced, that even if all the other forums may be no more, this site still will be waving the flags and will be a home for everyone, no matter if they come back to the scene or get involved for the first time.
Quality will always win out over quantity after all. This place already is legendary and it will still be in ten years from now. ...and let's not overlook or underestimate the next genaration of radsters that will keep this place going in the future.

 :radbmxsmilie: at least for me, has brought the best people into my life I've ever got to know. I think it is way more fun and useful to embrace what we still have and what there is or may be ahead of us, instead of crying overthe past. ...just thinking aloud.  :)


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Re: RadBmx / bmx scene
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2018, 12:16 AM »
All it takes is for people to post - bump a thread, start a post and see what happens

Facebook isn't going anywhere just yet but it's full of spackers - just browse through the entries for 2017 BOTM if you want to see some quality bikes  :4_17_5:

Offline kalex

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Re: RadBmx / bmx scene
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2018, 12:27 AM »
I've been on here a good few years but tbh I'm not a big poster  ( thread replier) but that's just how I am.

People think Facebook is the answer ( I'm not on there either as I think it's sad what things they post) but things happen outside of FB and when members moan that it's slow on here them same members need to look in the mirror and take a good look as it's them that are responsible for it being quiet. Never mind moaning, pull your finger out and put something out there as this place will only carry on if all members contribute

Offline Retrodan72

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Re: RadBmx / bmx scene
« Reply #9 on: January 07, 2018, 12:46 AM »
I've been on here a good few years but tbh I'm not a big poster  ( thread replier) but that's just how I am.

People think Facebook is the answer ( I'm not on there either as I think it's sad what things they post) but things happen outside of FB and when members moan that it's slow on here them same members need to look in the mirror and take a good look as it's them that are responsible for it being quiet. Never mind moaning, pull your finger out and put something out there as this place will only carry on if all members contribute

You're right there Lee, it's down to pure laziness most of the time coupled with the craving for likes and comments on a bike. I'm one of the many on here that love a good detailed build thread such as Sleag is doing now with his Rickman, this stuff is excellent but sadly thin on the ground in here these days. It appears that the guys over on FB are happy to post a pic of a finished bike that quite frankly could have been built by and bought off someone else, who can tell?

A prime example is Ian Mac and his bikes. He builds a nice bike, no doubt about that and 2 years ago he added a multi image pic of all the bikes he'd built that year, there were at least 20 bikes, all high end - none of them graced this forum and if I'm honest, I couldn't tell you what 5 of those bikes were. Now, all of his bikes are just dropping down the infinite slide of the FB page whereas if Ian had taken the time to start a build thread for each one, we would be impressed with the thought process of how his builds came together, how he put the effort in to source the parts and put them all together. I'd have liked to have seen his Me & My Bike thread, and it would still be here now for people to mull over and take inspiration from. But I guess he's a busy guy and hasn't got time to upload pics on here and the accessibility FB provides suits him, that's his choice. For us though (forum users) it's a shame we miss out.


Offline Spen69

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Re: RadBmx / bmx scene
« Reply #10 on: January 07, 2018, 09:53 AM »
Well I typed out a lengthy reply about how I get distracted by my family as soon a I start replying on here....... and then got distracted and my 7yr old son deleted the reply before I posted it :2funny:

So time has moved on, priorities change but BMX is still part of our lives, just not as much now. In the ten years I've been back into the hobby I have had 2 kids (late starter me) and literally just moved house, so spare time is at a premium these days. I sold all my stuff as I got into riding with the regular riders on this site so my focus moved to newschool bikes with oldschool flavour but it doesn't mean I don't love the oldschool builds going on and if someone asks a question on resto I know the answer to I will usuall post a quick reply up.

I always vote in BotM but don't bump the post when I do as my kids or missus are usually after my time while I'm voting even!

I'll be here for a long time yet but my post count is lower due to life getting in the way of hobbies, but it doesn't mean I care less about the scene, it's just spare time I lack now.....
Still limping......

Offline That Swan Guy

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Re: RadBmx / bmx scene
« Reply #11 on: January 07, 2018, 10:08 AM »
I haven’t got a life so I post on here a lot!  :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:
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Offline That Swan Guy

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Re: RadBmx / bmx scene
« Reply #12 on: January 07, 2018, 10:09 AM »
I actually work away from home which affords me the luxury of  :radbmxsmilie: indulgence
Who wants to ride with Eddie Fiola?

Offline Retrodan72

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Re: RadBmx / bmx scene
« Reply #13 on: January 07, 2018, 10:21 AM »
I haven’t got a life so I post on here a lot!  :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:

I hear ya Nick. I'm a right boring coont these days, it's how my life has formed since having Amber. If I'm not spending 12hrs in the cereal mines, then I'm looking after Amber - not that I'm complaining about the latter, I just don't get time to go on the rides as much is I used to or certainly I'd like to.

Pretty much most of my spare time is on here.


Offline Spen69

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Re: RadBmx / bmx scene
« Reply #14 on: January 07, 2018, 10:27 AM »
Pretty much most of my spare time is on here.

You not spending as much time on those "hand to gland" websites these days then Dan ???

Surely not........ :2funny:
Still limping......

Offline Retrodan72

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Re: RadBmx / bmx scene
« Reply #15 on: January 07, 2018, 10:29 AM »
Pretty much most of my spare time is on here.

You not spending as much time on those "hand to gland" websites these days then Dan ???

Surely not........ :2funny:

Only when I come off nights mate, shifted 4 out the other day, sack was like a walnut.


Offline Spen69

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Re: RadBmx / bmx scene
« Reply #16 on: January 07, 2018, 10:31 AM »
 :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:

Just spat my coffee out you loon :2funny:
Still limping......

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Re: RadBmx / bmx scene
« Reply #17 on: January 07, 2018, 10:36 AM »
It’s a shame what happened when the site crashed ... so many left for FB and instant gratification....

Eventually if you wanted to build you had to go to FB for any chance of acquiring the parts you’d need to complete a build.
I’ve had personal crap in the last 12 months ( I’m sure my addiction to BMX and RAD didn’t help ) and so in many ways it’s not helped with my desire to post ...
I’ve not lost the love but lack of parts and cost really give me inertia before I’ve even started.
I think about a build and look at the parts I need and there’s always  2 or 3 parts that seem impossible to acquire so the build idea is a non-starter.
My builds have always took about 2 years to do and have always been a massive investment for me.
In today’s bmx market it just seems too hard to get anything of quality built (cost/scarcity of parts)  and so I face a psychological block on an almost daily basis.
I guess after 12 builds and many years back in the scene I’ve built many of the bikes and own nearly all the parts I always dreamed about as a kid.
I love RAD and always will. But sadly (like on the rides) it’s now much more about the people than the bikes.
If I won the lottery then there are several completes I’d like to buy but for now ... (unless a bargain f and f appears by magic) I think I’m at a stand still. I’d love for the love of building to return to my blood... it was always there on a daily basis and I miss it terribly.
Never say never ... 

« Last Edit: January 07, 2018, 10:38 AM by factory pilot »
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Re: RadBmx / bmx scene
« Reply #18 on: January 07, 2018, 10:37 AM »
Being a collector for over 20 years i get the buzz at mk but as soon as its over i lose the love as got loads of projects on the go and when i start one i normally only need a couple of bits to finish it ,like my 91 haro master only need a seat clamp and when have a hunt for it ,i find one for 40 quid and think really i`m not paying 40 quid for that and don`t bother and just forget about the build as prices of stuff is stupid .i mean burners used to be 150 top`s but now they are 400 to 500 , frame sets if hutch or haro are 500 quid . this hobby was all about fun and doing it cheaply but sadly the big boys with unlimited cash have destroyed the scene for me and when they are done you just get another one come along and did see that at mk this year .

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Re: RadBmx / bmx scene
« Reply #19 on: January 07, 2018, 10:42 AM »
The fb thing seems to be a global thing  to be honest .  Took me around 3 years of just being a non member but reading alot of threads befor i joined on here .  Well worth it as it go's  !!   Your RAD  forum is certainly one of the best there is .  As you'll see in my signature  i don't  do  fb etc  but do like a good read on here . Think maybe next build i do will actually  be the build rather than a few pice of the bike at the end 
NO  I  don't do face book  ... or twitter ...oh or my space  . You kinda get the picture  .

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Re: RadBmx / bmx scene
« Reply #20 on: January 07, 2018, 10:48 AM »
Being a collector for over 20 years i get the buzz at mk but as soon as its over i lose the love as got loads of projects on the go and when i start one i normally only need a couple of bits to finish it ,like my 91 haro master only need a seat clamp and when have a hunt for it ,i find one for 40 quid and think really i`m not paying 40 quid for that and don`t bother and just forget about the build as prices of stuff is stupid .i mean burners used to be 150 top`s but now they are 400 to 500 , frame sets if hutch or haro are 500 quid . this hobby was all about fun and doing it cheaply but sadly the big boys with unlimited cash have destroyed the scene for me and when they are done you just get another one come along and did see that at mk this year .

So many good points here ... MK is the highlight of the year for me .. absolutely love it !
Yeah prices and the rich people ... I never knew the good old days of mx1000s for £25 .. if I did then maybe none of my builds would have happened! Lol
I was in Alan’s in Wigan yesterday and was told about how every time they do a Burner build with repop parts it sells for £600 straight away  :'(

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Re: RadBmx / bmx scene
« Reply #21 on: January 07, 2018, 08:11 PM »
 Not been on Rad long, but i fooking Love it, just wish I found it ten years ago.  I’m trying to use the forum everyday, even though I don’t post, I always log in and have a browse. I’m still getting to know a lot of you (once I work out forum names) and those I have met have made me feel massively welcome and always made a point to come and chat at cleefs or MK.

I’m consciously trying to use the forum more, so bear with me  :LolLolLolLol:

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Re: RadBmx / bmx scene
« Reply #22 on: January 07, 2018, 08:22 PM »
Being a collector for over 20 years i get the buzz at mk but as soon as its over i lose the love as got loads of projects on the go and when i start one i normally only need a couple of bits to finish it ,like my 91 haro master only need a seat clamp and when have a hunt for it ,i find one for 40 quid and think really i`m not paying 40 quid for that and don`t bother and just forget about the build as prices of stuff is stupid .i mean burners used to be 150 top`s but now they are 400 to 500 , frame sets if hutch or haro are 500 quid . this hobby was all about fun and doing it cheaply but sadly the big boys with unlimited cash have destroyed the scene for me and when they are done you just get another one come along and did see that at mk this year .

This is part of my problem that's mentioned in your first sentence 'MK'

I've never been and would jump at the chance to go but we go on our family holiday the same time of year.

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Re: RadBmx / bmx scene
« Reply #23 on: January 07, 2018, 08:39 PM »
Still here checking in everyday and always will be. Just haven't built a bike for years. Still love the scene and since moving north met a lot of new mates mainly through Carl In2BMX's Radleigh ride.
I collect (hoard) lots of other stuff too so I keep myself busy :)

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Re: RadBmx / bmx scene
« Reply #24 on: January 08, 2018, 12:00 AM »
Times change, we change, sh*t happens, people come and go, but the BMX scene is still rolling. Keep it :radbmxsmilie: :4_17_5:
« Last Edit: January 08, 2018, 12:03 AM by Mikku »
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