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Author Topic: Tioga Max Flo spider  (Read 1988 times)

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Offline Avro

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Tioga Max Flo spider
« on: October 23, 2017, 10:33 PM »
Why are there so many Tioga FC-2 Max Flo spiders for sale? All nos. Why so many? Must be a reason?
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Offline Retrodan72

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Re: Tioga Max Flo spider
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2017, 11:00 PM »
Why are there so many Tioga FC-2 Max Flo spiders for sale? All nos. Why so many? Must be a reason?

IMHO, they're fookin gopping.


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Re: Tioga Max Flo spider
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2017, 11:29 PM »
Why are there so many Tioga FC-2 Max Flo spiders for sale? All nos. Why so many? Must be a reason?

Cos no one bought them bitd?

Offline Avro

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Re: Tioga Max Flo spider
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2017, 11:49 PM »
I am going for a Max Flo theme for one of my builds, everything except these is hard to get. Personally I think they look great, I really like the style, I can not lie. I do have one, dated 1984 and perfect for my build, it is just odd that there are so many and in every colour under the sun that puked '80's colours. I suspect that steel spiders were far, far more durable. Anyway, still going Max Flo all the way!
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Offline Gnarlyscoots

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Re: Tioga Max Flo spider
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2017, 12:00 AM »
The FC-2 was sadly released when the boom of Bmx was crashing fast, so they were never a big hit like the original FC version. They look great with the right ring fitted to them.

Ash Kamm had a bundle of them and is dropping them all over Facebook pages for sale. Alan's, once again, is trying to fleece the old school scene with a ridiculous price of £40. They will sell at £20 - £25 all day long, but there are too many Bmx snobs in the scene that will not run an item like this anymore. They prefer high end power discs and spiders.

Offline Andyboy77

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Re: Tioga Max Flo spider
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2017, 12:17 AM »
I am going for a Max Flo theme for one of my builds, everything except these is hard to get. Personally I think they look great, I really like the style, I can not lie. I do have one, dated 1984 and perfect for my build, it is just odd that there are so many and in every colour under the sun that puked '80's colours. I suspect that steel spiders were far, far more durable. Anyway, still going Max Flo all the way!

That's a very interesting theme for a build.  :daumenhoch:  I had a chance recently to see some of Tiogas freestyle parts in the flesh for the very first time and I really liked 'em.
Are you still looking for Tioga bars?
« Last Edit: October 24, 2017, 03:29 AM by Andyboy77 »

Offline Avro

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Re: Tioga Max Flo spider
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2017, 10:27 AM »
Still looking for Tioga bars but not the freestyle variety.
Anyone know what year the CD chainwheels came out?
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Offline Midschoolfool

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Re: Tioga Max Flo spider
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2017, 12:12 PM »
I've got to say I thought they were pretty honking when I first saw them. Especially with colour added to them. I originally bought just a plain steel spider but it turned out to be the wrong size and I could not find a 110 BCD spider anywhere. I paid £16 for mine from a guy I have bought from before. It was just plain silver on silver. When I got it I was actually quite relieved. They look a lot better in the flesh, and even more so for just being plain silver. And they are really, really light. As light as a feather.

Going to keep mine for now. Can always swap it out later if I fancy it.

BTW as some one who was still riding BMX into the early 90s I can tell you that BMX died. Completely died. Loads of the old BMX shops all closed their doors and just finding the parts was difficult. Remember, there was no internet etc so I would have to use Loot where I could and end up buying more parts than I wanted just to keep my bike running. Every one went mental for mountain bikes and crud catchers, fickle lot we are !
« Last Edit: October 24, 2017, 12:14 PM by Midschoolfool »

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Re: Tioga Max Flo spider
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2017, 12:20 PM »
The  FC 1  spider is far nicer  :daumenhoch:

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