The new moto III meets all modern motorcycle safety standards which the old one obviously no longer does. That is the fundamental reason its cost is in line with any other high quality modern helmet. They haven't just brought out all the old tooling and fired up the machines again, it is an entirely re-engineered version. As mentioned before it is also vastly more comfortable now.
If you look at the price of other MX or DH helmets today its price is right there with everything else, so its just down to if you want modern or retro styling. 
Yep, I read it was a manufacturing redesign, todays standards are far more rigorous so I get that too after all wasn't it Bell Helmets that ran the advertising for having a ten dollar head, buy a ten dollar helmet! It was "if you have a $10 head, buy a $10 helmet" iirc.
I think it looks pretty good and I'd be tempted if I was still riding in anger these days