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Topic: Odyssey Evo 2 Part 2 (Read 1405 times)
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Curb Endo
Posts: 25
Odyssey Evo 2 Part 2
March 28, 2017, 04:47 PM »
I'm REALLY hoping someone can please, please help me regarding what should be, at least I thought a straight forward installation process
but has turned in to a
I have put these brakes on to my Colony Endeavour frame via brake lugs (the next frame I get will have built in brake mounts!) And that's all good! The issue is the silver spring caliper is constantly rubbing on the rim and is also rubbing on the other caliper also, actual metal on metal contact which should obviously not be happening!? So one side is miles away from the rim, the other constantly rubbing!
I am th scared to adjust either side as I don't want to over adjust either spring to the point it mishapes and becomes unusable!? At the same time, I also don't want to have to take it to a bike shop and pay someone say £25 for a job that takes 2 seconds to fix and avoid the embarrassment also!
I can't post pics as I can't seem to get the correct resolution? But basically, the brake is on, completely along with lever, cable and hangar but try as I might, I cannot fathom how to simply centre the brake so my wheel spins freely or, why one arm appears to rub on the other?!
Sorry for the long post but I'd have thought would be a fairly straight forward procedure!
Many thanks!
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Re: Odyssey Evo 2 Part 2
Reply #1 on:
March 28, 2017, 05:16 PM »
either add a little more tension to the spring thats hitting the rim or let a bit of tension off on the other spring. the springs should only have about a quarter turn of tension on them at most, any more and the brake will feel crap. as for the rubbing, you could bend the brake arm slightly to stop it from contacting the other but dont use too much force when doing it, just a little at a time until it stops touching.
Curb Endo
Posts: 109
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Re: Odyssey Evo 2 Part 2
Reply #2 on:
March 28, 2017, 05:21 PM »
the spacing on your back wheel sounds to be un-even, theres a multitude of ways to sort this!!!
1-offset the spring tension on one side.
2-swap the angle washer spacers on the blocks, the bigger one for the smaller one.
3-axel washers to even up the hub spacing.
ive done pretty much all of these at some point, as ive always rode a freecoaster hub! which is always offset by its nature, and upsets the brakes natural centering
Last Edit: March 28, 2017, 05:23 PM by poorboyee
Curb Endo
Posts: 25
Re: Odyssey Evo 2 Part 2
Reply #3 on:
March 28, 2017, 06:00 PM »
Many thanks for the replies!
I'll try the tension change as I'm a complete noob and I don't want to start a multitude of things and screw my bike up lol!
I'm not sure of how to tighten or loosen the tension is it a case of loosening the holding bolt then say a quarter turn on the spring nut itself?
And what about the arms of the brake making physical contact? There is metal on metal contact, just as there seemed to be on the Tektro brake I've replaced and it's as though the silver spring side that's constantly rubbing is resting directly on the black spring side which is the side that's properly tensioned and springing nicely if not too far back from the rim!
Why is this so frustrating!
Many thanks!
Curb Endo
Posts: 109
dragos says always wear a helmet
Re: Odyssey Evo 2 Part 2
Reply #4 on:
March 28, 2017, 06:21 PM »
the brake arms rubbing is a tricky one short of filing, or bending out the contacting points I'm not sure! asumming the lugs are welded on right/fixed, one should stand slightly taller than the other to keep the gap right
the angle/spacer washers on the blocks is the best way to sort spacing, it means you don't have to over stress the spring/topnut/allen bolt
this will help with the basic brake set up
Last Edit: March 28, 2017, 07:18 PM by poorboyee
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Re: Odyssey Evo 2 Part 2
Reply #5 on:
March 28, 2017, 09:30 PM »
Go to a bike shop mate you sound like your struggling
Mid school baby!!
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Re: Odyssey Evo 2 Part 2
Reply #6 on:
March 28, 2017, 09:34 PM »
Where are you based? Might be a nice radster willing to help you out
540 Air
Posts: 2533
Dirty Old Man
Re: Odyssey Evo 2 Part 2
Reply #7 on:
March 29, 2017, 10:42 AM »
did the brake posts come with shaped alloy spacers to fit at the bottom , around the tube? are they seated correctly , if not it can cause spacing issues ,
Curb Endo
Posts: 25
Re: Odyssey Evo 2 Part 2
Reply #8 on:
March 29, 2017, 11:55 AM »
Hey oldtired,
Do you mean spacers that sit between the bottom of the brake lug and the frame itself? Then Yes, I think the original Tektro brake that came on the bike did!
Would putting those back On, solve the issue of both the arms rubbing as well as potentially the brake block rubbing also!?
It never occurred to me to put those back on!? DOH!
As I've mentioned I'm a noob and despite been around bikes a LOT in my 40 years didn't think that installing a new brake on a BMX would be so full of issues!?
Many thanks!
540 Air
Posts: 2533
Dirty Old Man
Re: Odyssey Evo 2 Part 2
Reply #9 on:
March 29, 2017, 01:04 PM »
is the mounting kit specific to the frame? , some frames require a specific mounting kit ,
yes, spacer is shaped on one side to fit on the tube and a flat surface for the lug/post to sit in on the other , check to see if they are both the same size, as far as i know they should be , have not seen a kit with a thicker spacer to lift up the top arm but you never know
if you could get pictures up then i'm sure it will get solved , tbh i have lugs with and without the shaped spacers , the rubbing of the brake arms should not occur due to the bend in the callipers , so you have an issue with spacing on the lugs/posts ,it's sounding like the lug /post on the black side is not fully screwed in ,
if there are no spacers all it means is the caliper will be closer to the frame, the arms should not rub, unless one of the arms is bent out of shape
also check the wheel sits centre in the frame , take the tire off and tighten the wheel and chain up as though you were going to use it , this is only to eliminate any spacing or dishing issues with the wheel itself, and any movement in the frame
both evo 2's, don't worrie about spring color on mine they're off different callipers, the diference between with or without the spacer is only about 1 or 2 mill if that
with spacer
without spacer
Last Edit: March 29, 2017, 01:22 PM by oldtired
Curb Endo
Posts: 25
Re: Odyssey Evo 2 Part 2
Reply #10 on:
March 30, 2017, 12:59 PM »
Hey oldtired,
A great many thanks for all your help and advice!
I have all the pieces I need and will be looking into this over the weekend, wife and kids kinda takes up your time lol!
I'll follow your advice as best I can and report my findings!
Again many thanks! Don't want to admit defeat over something so potentially easy lol!
Thanks again, I really appreciate everything!
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