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Author Topic: dead in here these days  (Read 5879 times)

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Re: dead in here these days
« Reply #50 on: March 18, 2017, 02:31 PM »
Well Paul,

Since you're so sure that forums in general are doomed and Rad in particular is dying on its arse, it's probably a good thing that we have enough mods to cover FB as well, no?
I can't comment on the state of the group fb page any more, but as a final comment on this I'm just going to repeat what I said the first time around
Saying there are more mods than active users is a slight exaggeration
28 is a bigger number than 18 though

Not sure why you felt it necessary to post your PM but if you want me to comment on that I think it came across a bit condescending, so what if you've been logging on since the dawn of time? You've named a great bunch of lads who have given up their time (& in some cases money) to organise rides, do the admin for BOTM, bring Fiola to the UK, promote ramp nights that encourage older riders to have a go, build bikes for needy kids and clear up crap left behind by people leaving MK
Also a bit ironic talking about how long you've been a member when you were only recently on another thread arguing against the phrase 'time-served'....

I'm sure you'll come up with some sort of reply, feel free but I won't be responding again
Suggest instead you find something a bit more productive/positive to do

Offline pickle

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Re: dead in here these days
« Reply #51 on: March 18, 2017, 03:13 PM »
Don't worry, it's all my fault  ;D

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Re: dead in here these days
« Reply #52 on: March 18, 2017, 03:32 PM »
You give up bmx for mtb and look what happens  ::)  :LolLolLolLol:
Do you grovel to your master? Do you beg like a dog?

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Re: dead in here these days
« Reply #53 on: March 18, 2017, 03:46 PM »
I know!  :shocked:

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Re: dead in here these days
« Reply #54 on: March 18, 2017, 04:30 PM »
RAD is still the original and still the best.

I think most people are guilty of not visiting enough.
Facebook groups have their place but Ive come off most of the popular ones now (or been booted!!). The Raffles annoy the hell out of me.
I was sick of seeing them forever in my feed.
Obviously Im still very active with the Skyway Page.

Trouble is with me is that i do most browsing on my iphone and the text on here isnt that big and Im struggling to read it these days.  :coolsmiley:

Been on here over 7 years now I think and have met some great people through these pages.

So what if its not as busy nowadays.  ;)


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Re: dead in here these days
« Reply #55 on: March 18, 2017, 06:34 PM »
People come and go . Some post and some don't .

Whoever is left here are the cream of the bmx crop  :4_17_5:  It might be a little quiet . But it will never Die .  :daumenhoch:


Raffles  ;D

No thanks, if anyone wants to flog a damaged/repaired frameset for twice the going rate, or only let their mates win they can keep it off this forum thanks very much  :daumenhoch:
And that ripper has been damaged and powdered . And it's being raffled for £849 . That's criminal .  >:( :knuppel2:

Offline Andyboy77

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Re: dead in here these days
« Reply #56 on: March 18, 2017, 06:58 PM »
People come and go . Some post and some don't .

Whoever is left here are the cream of the bmx crop  :4_17_5:  It might be a little quiet . But it will never Die .  :daumenhoch:


Raffles  ;D

No thanks, if anyone wants to flog a damaged/repaired frameset for twice the going rate, or only let their mates win they can keep it off this forum thanks very much  :daumenhoch:
And that ripper has been damaged and powdered . And it's being raffled for £849 . That's criminal .  >:( :knuppel2:

I get the impression that I may have failed in trying to joke - regarding that raffle thing.  ::)

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Re: dead in here these days
« Reply #57 on: March 18, 2017, 09:25 PM »
I know!  :shocked:

put a pic of your knightgoose before you sell it to change the mood on this thread
no1stuntmaster on instagram


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Re: dead in here these days
« Reply #58 on: March 18, 2017, 09:34 PM »
Well Paul,

Since you're so sure that forums in general are doomed and Rad in particular is dying on its arse, it's probably a good thing that we have enough mods to cover FB as well, no?
I can't comment on the state of the group fb page any more, but as a final comment on this I'm just going to repeat what I said the first time around
Saying there are more mods than active users is a slight exaggeration
28 is a bigger number than 18 though

Not sure why you felt it necessary to post your PM but if you want me to comment on that I think it came across a bit condescending, so what if you've been logging on since the dawn of time? You've named a great bunch of lads who have given up their time (& in some cases money) to organise rides, do the admin for BOTM, bring Fiola to the UK, promote ramp nights that encourage older riders to have a go, build bikes for needy kids and clear up crap left behind by people leaving MK
Also a bit ironic talking about how long you've been a member when you were only recently on another thread arguing against the phrase 'time-served'....

I'm sure you'll come up with some sort of reply, feel free but I won't be responding again
Suggest instead you find something a bit more productive/positive to do

Thank you, I've had a very productive and positive day.

I posted it because you mentioned it and IMO inferred it also contained "harping on about the Halcyon days of rad" which it clearly didn't, have to say I was disappointed you did mention it I thought you had more integrity.

I've highlighted a few words you've obviously chosen ignore, put in there because it wasn't my intention to put myself in front of anyone as being "timeserved", my intention was to put a timescale on how long I've been around so there where other names I didn't mention because I haven't been around as long as them, I'd add I have no gripe against anyone I mentioned nor was mentioning them meant as a critiscism this was the issue in the other thread you mentioned.
I was pondering earlier but I'm fairly sure I've been a member of RAD longer than you, in2bmx, ed209, jaymz, the swan guy and benno not that this really means anything other than I've seen where radbmx was and I see where it is now, more importantly I know how it's came to be where it's at.

If members want to donate their time (and money) to good BMX causes, fair play, but that's their decision, having donated my time/parts/money money to an underprivileged kid IMO you do it because you want to not for recognition if it's for the latter then it's done for the wrong reason.

Please don't twist my words I never said the forum was doomed, I said it was on it's arse which IMO it is and questioned whether it could be resurrected, only time will tell what happens to RAD, I hope it survives and thrives in whatever form.

Have a nice weekend John  :daumenhoch:
« Last Edit: March 18, 2017, 10:28 PM by rodriguez »

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Re: dead in here these days
« Reply #59 on: March 18, 2017, 10:12 PM »
I don't have anything new to say on this that I haven't already said ... so I'll say it again ... copy and past like  fistblump

"In 1990 BMX was dead ... yet here we all are.

Forums aren't in fashion... thats all it is.

Myspace used to be where it was at... FriendsReunited anyone? ... all fads ... all gone... replaced.

here's my big thought ( one a year ) Facebook is Scooters ... Forums are BMX

Facebook is all about the next next next ... newest thing .. the latest post. What happened last week is forgotten. There's no organization. No etiquette. No manners. Wanna find a pic you saw appear 2 or 3 weeks back on Facebook? it will take you a while and a load of scrolling. The format is just not conducive to building a valuable resource ... all its interested in is the now. Facebook is Scooters.

Forums are organised, based around being able to store and search for information... the community of a forum is based around regular postings and shared trust ... abuse this at your peril. You can go off and do Facebook but, like scooters, you will ultimately feel unfulfilled and will look for something with some substance ... like BMX ... or skating for that matter.

Maybe that's all bullshit but as long as there's a few people who log on and post it will never be dead... as long as there's that small community of people to chat with ( ride with ) then it will bobble along down the stream just fine... just like BMX.

There was something about BMX that we loved and stayed in us until we were ready to come back ... forums are the same."
"Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

Dylan Thomas

WANTED : Victor DX 9/16 spindle or pedal

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Re: dead in here these days
« Reply #60 on: March 18, 2017, 10:40 PM »

"Incidentally I've noticed recently quite a few of the mods make more of a contribution on facebook than they do on the forum, ironic."

This statement is definitely true... whether it be posting their latest builds or selling stuff !!!
Shame really considering the forum needs people posting more regular. Which gives me the impression they're not arsed about the forum anymore and happy to just leave those of us that are  to it. ???

Being a regular facebook user I have to say that i agree with the comments above. This applies to some mods/admin, but also some long time non admin members too. Everyone has a choice where to buy or post wanted ads up, and that's their right, but it's a shame that  :radbmxsmilie:, the start/hub/home of it all doesn't get the same number of sale/wanted ads. Like my previous post, it's a sign of the times and sad to see, but just how things have changed over recent years. I'm a huge fan of the forum format, and  :radbmxsmilie: in particular. I'd like to think that it'll be around for years, and will do anything i can to keep it going for as long as i still have an interest in BMX. Keep it RAD  :daumenhoch:

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Re: dead in here these days
« Reply #61 on: March 18, 2017, 10:54 PM »
I thought I could be a bit testy!

rodriguez: Time to stop and take a step back, breathe and put it all in perspective. It is only BMX bikes; things we rode when we were kids and thought we were kings of the world. Come back next week with positive vibes, you have replied to some of my threads with good insight. Keep posting and help others along.

Rad is a great site but I think Chez-6 has very valid points. Rad can appear a little purist at times; that can make it inaccessible (or seem such) to some. I felt the same as Chez-6 for a while but now I think bugger it and bugger them! My 'nil point' BOTM entry helped me in my beligerence! The 'it has to be og' stance has to soften. If you want it to stay then stop splitting up your bikes.

Please look at bikes as a totallity and the work put in, not only in the bike itself but also the bikes life on Rad. How many bikes appear out of no-where on Rad without any posts or input? Many. It only takes a few minutes to post a 'working on this' thread'; no need to blog it just say that this is where I am with the bike and trying to create this or that. There is too much of, in the middle of winter, poof a new Haro build in bright summer sun on a freshly mown lawn! I jest but you know what I mean, I hope.

The Moderation thing is fine and a red herring. Forum is quiet: post a bit more. Accessible in format no idea as I do not own a mobile phone (woot). Accessible in style and content : needs work but getting there (my Bobby Encinas tribute/abomination has received a lot of lovely comments!). Remember it's only kids' bikes: crucial.
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Wanted: Tange Axeblade frame

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Re: dead in here these days
« Reply #62 on: March 19, 2017, 07:40 PM »
I still love BMX, but also quilty of not posting or visiting as much as I should.

I will say though, that the Mods etc is not just for the forum, but for the huge support required for MK etc, without these people, Rad or MK would not happen.


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Re: dead in here these days
« Reply #63 on: March 19, 2017, 08:31 PM »
Well, I've just logged on for the first time in over a month or two, considering I used to be on here daily, I'm seeing it very quiet. I'm pretty much not building now, although I have a half built MK16 buy on a bike stand in my kitchen.

See you in two months 👍
One build a year, the only way to get it right. No rushing involved.

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Re: dead in here these days
« Reply #64 on: March 20, 2017, 10:55 AM »
Does anyone remember that line in Back to the Future II where Biff says "there's something very familiar about this"?

Better to crash and burn than fade away

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Re: dead in here these days
« Reply #65 on: March 20, 2017, 11:53 AM »
...I also think people need to relax about builds being 100% OG as not all have funds that will allow this, and have to make do with re-pop parts, someone recently stated in another thread he felt  that only OG bikes should be in BOTHM and re-pop has not place there which made me feel that my bike would not be worthy of an entry which made me think well why bother  :'(

I went to an MK style gathering of a forum for HiFi fans at the weekend .. some of the kit was incredible but it remined me very much of RAD. No one wanted any of these guys to not build the best systems they could! excellence was prized & praised ... just as it is on RAD.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion about what they want RAD to be ... but please don't ask people who are comitted to achiving excellence to 'dumb down'.

Please correct me if I'm wrong but you seem to be saying 'why bother building a bike if its not good enough to enter into BOTM' ... if thats your motivation behind a build then 'why bother' indeed ... you can just build stuff because you want to y'know ... you dont need 'votes' to make it worthwhile.

I found RAD nearly 10 years ago and it was the standard of the builds that really inspired me ... I must have built about 30 bikes over the years ... sold them and moved onwards and upwards ... but I've never built anything other than what I wanted to build. If it got some love, or mostly abuse  :teef: ( bants ) then all good ... what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

If I ever got a wiff that this forum was prepared to compromise for the sake of 'bums on pews' then I'd be off  :daumenhoch:
« Last Edit: March 20, 2017, 07:16 PM by ED209 »
"Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

Dylan Thomas

WANTED : Victor DX 9/16 spindle or pedal

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Re: dead in here these days
« Reply #66 on: March 22, 2017, 10:12 PM »
I Love Rad but Facebook has unfortunately become an uncontrollable beast that's become part of people's daily lives.

That instant hit of Dopamine  thats instantly served when someone hits (like) on one of your posts or images is becoming an addiction for many which is a shame..

I think as a medium it serves a purpose, Ive done a lot of research set up reference pages for Rebel  / Yes & Marlborough BMX & set up an owners group on there for Rickman BMX but if its hard keeping up with it all & if there was a section on Rad to be able to offload all of this knowledge research & of course the images I've collected along the way i'd gladly copy & paste the lot & park it all right here....

I think we all go through phases with BMX too, I've been back in to OS BMX since 2012 Built over 30 bikes & learned a hell of a lot along the way... But there's times i think i'd be happy to sell everything up & my reference point for my love for BMX has & always will be here.....

Things will pick up in the summer , it always does...

 Long Live Rad !  :daumenhoch: :Great_Britain:

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