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Author Topic: Time to paint my early PK Ripper - which stickers do I need?  (Read 1561 times)

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Offline Laz

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Time to paint my early PK Ripper - which stickers do I need?
« on: February 27, 2017, 10:52 PM »

I've had a looptail PK Ripper for many years and have decided to do it up... Hmmm, just saying that's boring, I'll spin a yarn.

My little brother actually had this bike in the 90's as just a BMX bike to ride. It came from a local shop who had painted over the original paint and lacquered in some "On A Mission" stickers (did I say it was the 90's?). Anyway he got bored of it and it got traded for something else. In about 2000 I was digging about in a container down at this bike shop looking for some MTB bits and I found the poor SE sat in the back covered in tat, so I bought it for bugger all. I think I knew then that it was a good bike but not much more.
 I rode it on tracks we built here and there and took it to a few local ones but had another BMX for jumps and an MTB so stripped this one down to restore it.

Well, please don't hang me, virtually or not, but I stripped the original paint off... Now it was already under another several layers and it had been savagely roughed up to key the new paint in and was not really savable but even so I do feel suitably ashamed.

Around this time a lot of things happened and the SE could no longer be a priority. I wussed out of proper BMX riding and got obsessed with fiddling with inconsequential rebound adjusters, gear indexing and breaking expensive components, AKA mountain biking. My circumstances meant that I didn't have the facilities to spray paint and so the SE remained forgotten for a long time, until the other week actually. I've dug it out and with my new found intolerance for anything that either doesn't work and/or serve a purpose I know that I have to finish what I started over 15 years ago. Fifteen years, Jesus!

I have the frame, Landing Gear forks (I'm sure they were frame colour), alloy bars, bright green Tuff 2s. It came with a Haro Group 1 stem and some bent and rusty one piece cranks that had had the drive pin welded at some point. I think there's a Sugino 1 peice in it now. I can't for the life of me remember what the chainring was but I do have a Skyway Turbodisc(?) with an obscene amount of teeth kicking about which could well have been it.

Now, the bike was white and the decals were bright green. I did take photos at the time but they've disappeared. I have been looking for decal/sticker sets but I haven't seen any in the bright, almost neon, green I remember. Am I way off here, or was that a colour scheme?

Can anyone tell me the best place to get the correct decals please? Del does Landing Gear but I can't see any SE stuff. I don't know when or how they changed over the years and certainly don't want to put the wrong ones on it.

Many Thanks

Offline deeman

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Re: Time to paint my early PK Ripper - which stickers do I need?
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2017, 11:38 PM »
I don't think they came with green decals...may have been a custom job in the 90's? i may be wrong.... :-\

Offline Midschoolfool

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Re: Time to paint my early PK Ripper - which stickers do I need?
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2017, 11:30 AM »
The first thing I would do is try and date it. Then take a look at a load in your year etc and see what colours/decals.

Of course you don't have to stick to the norm. I could probably cut you some decals, if you can find the vinyl you want.

Offline CustardLips

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Re: Time to paint my early PK Ripper - which stickers do I need?
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2017, 11:51 AM »
 :welcome to Rad mate.  :daumenhoch:

Maybe worth emailing Del... don't think he advertises everything he does due to copyright. You can get him on   ;)
"Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time"


Offline Laz

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Re: Time to paint my early PK Ripper - which stickers do I need?
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2017, 03:06 PM »
Thanks everyone.

I've been trawling though photos of Rippers but haven't found any with the green stickers like I remember, I may well be tripping on that one. It's the green mags that make me think I'm not though.   

From everything I've read I understand that the serial number on a looptail will just tell you either that it is indeed a looptail or that it was made between the years that looptails were made. Basically not very helpful for accurate dating. Thank you for the offer, I have some research to do before committing though.

Ah, I will try Del directly to at least see if he knows the colours that were available . As he's in the business if he says I'm tripping about the green sticker question I'll relent.   


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Re: Time to paint my early PK Ripper - which stickers do I need?
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2017, 03:10 PM »
serial numbers on loopy rippers can give you a loose idea of year, but as dropouts got jumbled up after numbering it's not infallible

take this with a bit of a pinch of salt, but no-one will be able to argue with it unless they are the original owners with the original purchase receipt

2xxxx = mid 1979
3xxxx = 1980
4xxxx = 1981
5xxxx = 1982
6xxxx = 1983
7xxxx = 1984


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Re: Time to paint my early PK Ripper - which stickers do I need?
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2017, 03:15 PM »
never seen any neon green stickers on a loopy ripper either, but FYI porkchop stocks the BMXproducts ones that are officially licensed (& he often has a discount code knocking about)

best bet is to work out the year you think it is from, then from that you'll know which gen are right for the bike*

* unless of course you want to go custom, in which case doowhutchyalike  :teef:

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